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Real McCoy

03/18/23 4:15 PM

#133471 RE: bioaq_sh #133470


LCY was part of a JV that bought everyone of value from former Bioamber nearly 5 years ago.

Why would they or their parent co’s ambitions years later mean anything toward the liquidated shell?
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03/19/23 10:28 AM

#133476 RE: bioaq_sh #133470

Thanks, but if true, how can this be legal? 5-7yrs in limbo?
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03/19/23 10:29 AM

#133477 RE: bioaq_sh #133470

Thanks, but if true, how can this be legal? 5-7yrs in limbo?
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03/19/23 11:09 AM

#133480 RE: bioaq_sh #133470

Looks to me like we’re getting real close to those good things coming very very very soon!!!