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01/24/23 9:33 AM

#56243 RE: BigBadWolf #56241

your Ignorance Dixon is astounding as is your need for pity & praise (So, yes it does matter...biologic NOT a device as far as being required to be listed)

by TimGDixon» Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:31 am

I don't get what all this is about. JadiCell is a living drug - a biologic. It is not a device and has never been stated to be a device by anyone at TSOI. Whether it was or wasn't a device also has nothing to do with us listing on clinical trials dot gov.

There is only one reason why there is such an unnatural focus on this and thats because its a pump waiting to happen so they can start the whole process over again. Run it up, short it down.

In the last 13 months we have put out out 34 press releases of substantial and material events. 13 new patents during that time. 3 being issued. A bunch being published (30 now). Two new spin-offs. A new IND for COPD. 10$ million in funding. Announced plans of adding more of all of the above and all you did was sell us down over and over and over. None of that had any added value and I'm pissed off. Why am I working this hard to be treated this way 24/7/365. This is insanity. Do any of you have any idea how many hours of research went into the planning of just the animal studies alone conducted as the basis for then authoring new patents? How about the experiments that failed and we had to do over and over again to get it right? Have you ever bothered to look at references in our IP - we read all those papers and many more that we didn't include - we study the published and issued IP and have to make our way around everyone else in the same space - and then we write and file and wait 18 months so we can then prosecute them to issue. No one ever thinks about the amount of actual work and planning that goes into a single patent but we are repeatedly told over and over and over that patents have no value - then why are any of you here? Want to know our life philosophy read our patents.

And none of that has added any value to the value of our stock and in fact has sucked the equity right out of it. So one of you tell me in very specific detail how listing a clinical trial will add actual bona-fide accounting value where none of that did? What if that trial fails? Calculate that in as well ok.

They want one thing and one thing only - a pump they can dump and short right back to here. Thats all it is and no one can ever convince me otherwise. I don't think but the small handful of "faithful" actually know what they own here. You have a group of people who complain all day and night they want this or that and because they don't get their way they have resorted to everything from libel and defamation to actual death threats. Since Christmas Eve I have received 3 and thats why i'm not around - we take that stuff seriously. We give you our best and you call us liars. We put in 12-14hr days 7 days a week and you call us lazy. I show an affection for my dear friend Thomas Ichim and they try and make us out to be gay - its sick and disgusting is what it is. I am really sick of hearing about jadiCell - you ignore our greatest work -StemVacs - and diminish its potential by focusing everything on something someone licensed to us. StemVacs makes JadiCells - not the other way around. Now what? We can take fibroblast from any one of you and make perfect populations of JadiCells - thats StemVacs that does that not the other way around. Now what? Wen ctdg? Really. Thats all we are apparently. Well, i'm damn tired of it. No one seems capable of challenging the science so they resort to attacking us. Tom shows up on st and they go insane. They have one of the smartest people I know in their midst and all they can do is insult him. When Tom's Mother was diagnosed with leukemia he and his sister made it their goal at age 11 and 12 to cure their mother. Eventually Tom developed ValloVax and kept his Mother alive for more than a decade beyond her life expectancy - how about them clowns on st who claim their mummies died of cancer; did they do anything to save their mums? No because its all phoney but Tom is real. Tom has his own portfolio independent of his work with me so you might want to take a look - I think he is beyond 225 patents and more than 150 peer reviewed papers - have you read them all? Oh you say you read the two retracted papers - go read the "why". Then go read the other 148 - its mandatory reading for anyone working with tsoi along with Franco's work - 1,300 or more papers, and then read all of santosh's 600+. You insult all of us when you insult any of us.

All we are trying to do here is advance our cause and instead find ourselves embroiled in this nonsense called social media. You threaten to kill me and you think I am going to be kind to you? You threaten our business - you threaten our families - you think we're going to ignore that?

But you have stated publicly this all goes away if we just give you that ctdg listing - we don't negotiate with terrorists and thats exactly what you are. Terrorists.

To our friends thank you for your abundant support and patience and to our enemies - we shall meet you on the battlefield of our choosing.
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01/24/23 3:39 PM

#56274 RE: BigBadWolf #56241

$TSOI Tim - “In the last 13 months we have put out out 34 press releases of substantial and material events. 13 new patents during that time. 3 being issued. A bunch being published (30 now). Two new spin-offs. A new IND for COPD. 10$ million in funding. Announced plans of adding more of all of the above and all you did was sell us down over and over and over. None of that had any added value and I'm pissed off.”

Dixon's Blinded private forum followers aka Timmy's Minions-

“Tim and Tom have ALLLLLL of this under control”

Why is Tim pissed off if he has it all under control?