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Replies to post #59255 on Closed

Replies to #59255 on Closed
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11/08/22 2:23 PM

#59256 RE: dropdeadfred #59255

Well, oddly enough, it says his last post was 3/29/19...but when you look at last post it then says
08/02/2020 04:18:29 PM
So, I'm guessing it was deleted after???
Sounds to me like he smartened up. There's not much to hang around here for any more.
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janice shell

03/15/24 5:27 PM

#59261 RE: dropdeadfred #59255

What? Chu is still very much alive.

What an odd board this is. One can still post, but it doesn't have any name. And it was created in 2003.