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10/21/22 4:28 PM


Hey SP.

I didn't actually see the movie until quite recently. Certainly wasn't what I expected.

I did enjoy the plot twist at the end.

You would think having access to more information would be a good thing. Turns out, its far more confusing.

Remember back in the day when the country (and perhaps the world) could focus on one event for several weeks (or perhaps months if the story was big enough)?

Each big story was investigated thoroughly and dissected over and over before it was put to rest. Everyone stayed on topic.

Now everything is so superficial. They tell a story however they want to tell it and then most people just accept it as fact and move on.

Later on a few people might dig deeper and get to the truth, but the lack of amplification of these stories means they draw little attention - so the whole truth never seems to infiltrate the "group conscious."

Weird state of affairs.