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Real McCoy

08/22/22 8:37 AM

#129829 RE: bioaq_sh #129827

*correction: Visolis partnered with LCY to invest in buying all of Bioambers assets in a court overseen liquidation.
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08/22/22 10:00 AM

#129831 RE: bioaq_sh #129827

that is a very good observation there bud. good question too.
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08/22/22 11:08 AM

#129832 RE: bioaq_sh #129827

yes very good question!
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08/22/22 12:00 PM

#129833 RE: bioaq_sh #129827

Here's a better question: Why hasn't BioAmber, Inc. uttered a single word directly to its shareholders or to the public since its directors and executives resigned nearly 4 years ago? It's like they shut down or something...
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08/22/22 2:05 PM

#129842 RE: bioaq_sh #129827

Relevance to this board? There isn’t one. This is the formerly Known As BioAmber board and since BioAmber ended in 2018 that has nothing to do with BioAmber at all