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04/17/22 11:49 PM

#236142 RE: FrankF #236140

2011 - GestureTek sells its consumer and mobile phone division and assets to Qualcomm for a substantial return, while retaining its Digital Signage and Health division to continue leadership and growth

You should note the following on that. This is what Eric had to say

The price paid by that multi-national for those sector-specific rights was more than U.S. $40 million, cash. That money was paid out to the original investors of that operation at the time, not reinvested into the operation

Its unclear to me if all the $40 million went to the original investors, or a portion of it. Eric says "that" money indicating all but hopefully he will clear that up.

I also wonder why the investors took the money and ran rather than reinvest back into the operation. Did they want the money, or did not see the future potential with the sale, considering GestureTek sold the technology sector rights of the consumer electronics and Mobile devices to Qualcomm.

[* Eric says it's now "more than 50" patents - ]

Yes he does but frankly I am confused on that, since Qualcomm now owns and licenses all rights in regards to GestureTek's Patents and Technologies for the Consumer Electronics and Mobile Devices Products which is part of the 50 + patents. I counted 52 Patents.

I hope Eric clears that also. Finally what really counts is GestureTek income statements of last couple of years to see why it reached what Eric described as a crisis.

All the awards are very impressive but Tech companies have much expensive to operate with research, development. A deciding factor will be raising capital investment to make it work. If he can do that then hopefully looking at a bright future, if not then.... Time will tell