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10/11/21 4:46 PM

#16131 RE: Emily1212 #16129

Hey Emily. TY for the compliments but I just share my thoughts. In this world of OTC there is much more than DD that helps you win. It's timing, its patience, it's also luck at some times.

I stopped posting on the XCRT board as it really has become a typical iHub board which happens after a stock runs and then has a break. The quiet times are a time for speculation, manipulation, and nonsense.

First, why has there been a decrease in share price? It's a couple of things but one of the major reasons is I believe the 12 month holding period for capital gains passed from when the stock made its initial big run and many OTC traders took their profit.

Look at the chart- July 7, 2020 it was from .0017- on July 7, 2921 (a year later it was at.085. It did go back up after this one year anniversary to .15 on July 30th but has been downward since (that jumped was off of the news of audited financials and XCRT hiring an auditor). So after July 30th I think those who held a year were taking some of their chips off the table.

I'll be honest. I did too. I bought a lot early on and kept adding as it was going up but I took out my investment and a nice profit but still have a significant holding and do trade it a little.

Did I sell half my position because I didn't believe in Mike or the company? No, I do believe they will get a deal done. I just know where I trade (stinkypink land- it's not only stinkypink b/c of the CEO but also traders that trade in this space) and 85% of the traders (maybe higher) have no patience and will chase the next shiny thing that catches their eye. Everyone's looking for that sub-penny 10 bagger and chasing those when the fact is at .05 a .01 uptick is a 20% gain And I also believed given the circumstances I would be able to get back in at a lower price from where I sold.

I'm not so smart as I was buying at .08 and bought some back at .07 and .06.

I knew when a year holding period came up that most who held that long would trade. Again a lot of people didn't get into the stock in July but maybe Aug or September before they uncovered the UDHI (symbol at the time) gem.

I believe but That Mike and his team will get a deal done IMHO. If I didn't I would have sold all of my position. Not the half that were Long Term Capital Gains. Did I risk a deal happening after I sold and it shooting up? Yes. Was I ok if that happened- yes. I still had half my position.

The question is when and what is the deal? I think the HS Pharma deal is being worked on. But traders don't know the deal so they take profits. I also think that Ellegala will bring a deal.

The problem is as you are negotiating deals there is a lack of news and in this platform that doesn't keep people's attention.

But where is XCRT now as a company? Better than ever honestly. They are current, have an auditor, and are in a position to do a deal. Real deals take time. They also have an investment banker (where some of the shares were issued too). Investment Bankers in this realm are not easy to deal with either. They want the best deal for their clients so they want the stock down before they put the money in to close the merger.

Most people that trade in this realm have never run a business. They sit in front of their screen and complain. A lot of times the CEO's in stinkypink land have nothing but hype and if it moves the stock they don't care that its not real.

I also laugh at these people that come on and yell scam. Like they are really trying to look out for you. They say 10% truth and the rest lies. The longs quote the merits of the company but they also ignore some truths.

Here is the truth- The 50 million shares given out is dilution. Anytime you give shares out of treasury it's dilution. But the bashers claim it's why the stock is going down. That is BS. None of those shares are in the float. This is a shell so it will be over a year before they can be freed up and they were given to Board Members so it will be under 144. Those shares have nothing to do with the price going down unless some traders believe their lies and sold because of it.

It's basic stock trading 101. You want the Barry's and Dr. Ellegalas of the world to join the company as a shell what can you offer them? Can Mike say "join my advisory board because I'm a nice guy and go to work looking for an acquisition but I'm not going to give you a piece of the company? NO. Are those shares hitting the market as the reason for the price increase? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Any person claiming that is just lying and playing games. Look at their posting history.

If you want something of value to come into a shell it will either be through stock (dilution) or money which they will raise from selling stock (dilution). The key is how management handles the growth. To pay 50 million shares or give 14% of the company to this quality of the advisory board is being fiscally responsible IMHO. How much work is Barry or Ellegala or the other Board Members going to work if they don't have any skin in the game? The key number to watch is the float and it has not gone up at all.

I've said it many times before and say it again- Emotions in trading, reality vs perception are some of the most important aspects of trading. If it was a rational market it would be much easier to predict. It's not. Do your DD, test your theories and understand your risk tolerance. All of those areas are important factors when investing.

I've been picking some shares up here and there and think based on the chart that .05 is support and bottom (I was also wrong previously as I picked up shares at .08 and .07 but that was based on a deal getting done sooner). That we have turned over those traders who got in sub-penny.