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Enterprising Investor

10/02/21 9:54 AM

#61 RE: Gideonmagnus #60

I missed the news.

Thank you for sharing.

I think it’s more likely than not that KBKCP remains outstanding until the maturity date in 2028. It provides a source of capital.

I’ve been waiting for the 2020 annual report to arrive in order to learn how many, if any, shares were repurchased during the year.

I’m somewhat indifferent in regards to redemption based on deeply-discounted purchase price. Nearly all of my shares are sitting in a retirement account. The fact that KBKCP no longer trades will keep me from investing in another long duration deal.

Since no financial details were released, holders will probably have to wait until the 2021 annual report is available unless the facts are disclosed as a subsequent event in last year’s overdue report.