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04/29/21 9:06 PM

#7 RE: ttubular #6

I honestly have no idea. It's an interesting case, because of the confusion surrounding the ticker change. One things for sure. Somebody isnt just cleaning up a shell out of boredom. Something is merging into CLPS. That is yet to be determined so price could go either way, but I believe it is a good long term hold potential and possibly an energy play. We'll need to wait and see.
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04/29/21 9:07 PM

#8 RE: ttubular #6

Take a look at how Moodys other RM plays turned out... Long term winner for sure but since the ihub OGs were talking about it late today I think tomorrow we will have a moon shot north imo. Fingers crossed we end up on the breakout board before the market opens tomorrow.