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03/22/21 8:58 AM

#34336 RE: tw0122 #34335

Yeah, you are right. That is definitely part of the reason he died.

The problem is the bankers that have controlled the system since Jekyll Island.

The problem isn't going away. There is no way to stop them. They have complete control of the system.

Do I have solutions? Of course.

Abolish the FED debt based system. Have the treasury of the US print whatever they need to to pay off the FED. Our treasury can create all the money needed and has the right to do so.

“The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity.”
~ Abraham Lincoln

They can simply print the 28 trillion dollars needed and pay off the FED. Then we will have all the currency we need interest free.

The question that needs to be asked by every American and the world, is why are we paying interest on borrowed money to a private bank with shareholders when our treasury can create all the money needed by simply creating it interest free?

However, the money masters will never allow that. They have complete control of the system.

THAT is the difference between most posters and the metal bulls and me. I was a metal bull. I bought the physical for over 10 years. I have piles of the stuff. I was fooled by metal salesmen.

The bankers will NEVER allow the metals to find the real true value. People are being manipulated. They say the same things over and over for decades and nothing changes. Just the same threats of economic collapse.

They have it under full control and they will not let that power slip away. It is their enslavement tool.

But if people believe that buying scraps of silver is going to destroy their system, they are being fooled. Like I was.........