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11/12/20 9:17 AM

#81939 RE: fojcol #81935

The picture is from another company. We need truthful information. The company hasn't disclosed a picture of the showroom.

Clearly, if you click on their website you will see that there are no EV vehicles only gas powered ATV's, watercraft and motorcyles.

Truthful information is needed here not slanted info.


Impressive DSGT didn't feel a need to quickly share a picture with us! That tells me that they're confident in what they're accomplishing, and not concerned with what posters on IHUB think! LOL. DEFINITELY not pumping... this is real what they're putting together, and in the very near future the market is going to catch wind of it and react accordingly. YUUUUGE!
One year from now, the pipeline will be flowing with riches as dealers are added weekly. Orders for the first buses will have sold and the buses be on their way, and SUV's and Trucks will be in their 3rd cycle, as orders for them ramp up into the 10's of MILLIONS of $$$$.
By year end next year, Imperium will be closing in on $65M in sales, and expecting $180M for the following year. And that's just the BEGINNING!!!