Once the company files the Plan Of Reorganization with the court you can easily find out when will FTRCQ be Canceled since the company already said that the common stock here is worthless right after the CH11! When that happens your FTRCQ shares will be worthy "ZERO" no matter how many shares you own! The shorters must be insiders-related people who knew FTR would file the bankruptcy very soon thus they shorted it at any price in order to cover the shares at Zero cost --- i.e. 100% Huge gain!
Anyway the problem here is: the most recent Market Value (MV) is ridiculous high! So once the SEC/FINRA declares the cancellation of the FTRCQ investors who paid $15.75M (at $0.15) ~ $6.3M (at $0.06) Super Overvalued Hyper High MV will incur totally $15.75M ~ $6.3M Giant losses! As a comparison its CH11 peer (DESTQ) investors would only lose total $0.27M (at $0.019) ~ $0.07M (at $0.0051) minor losses should the same thing incur! However the management of DESTQ never said to cancel it as of today!