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04/04/20 12:14 PM

#9679 RE: Citrati #9678

Hi Citrati

I am not a trader and would probably lose my shirt trying to day trade, scalping, etc. although the concept of trading "pinches" is intriguing. The way the PM’s have fallen out of bed is amazing and I believe that many will be back to the early 2020 levels if not higher by this time next year.

I have been thinking 12 month LEAPS would be profitable, particularily in silver, say AG, PAAS, MAG, HL, CDE, AXU. Any thoughts? Any gold stocks for LEAPS?

I assume I can buy them through my TD account but really do not know anything about Options.

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04/04/20 12:22 PM

#9680 RE: Citrati #9678

Great stuff. Thanks for the post. Very helpful.I have totally changed my investment style from long term 90% invested with swing trades and options for protection and marginal addition to Alpha changed to holding a lot of cash and making multiple day trades in quality SP500 stocks to establish a lower position then selling most of them for a profit holding a remaining 10-20% of thereby accumulating SP500 divvy payers for a long term at a very low cost basis to let ride for a long term when the volatility leaves the market in a year or so. I am thinking I should apply for professional trader status for the trades I make in non retirement accounts. So for now I will embrace daytrading and technical trading in stocks I want to hold a few for long term. I am giving Arora Report a test drive and will be constantly studying and reviewing technical ideas on Utube and such. I am thinking the market has a lot to fall yet so do not want to hold long term even a lot overnight. Definately will not hold on the way down I did that in 1987 worked out ok but got murdered in 2000-2002. I Traded more in 2008 but used too much leverage in EFTs expecting those to work as advertised and options which did not turn out well either. I learned in 2008 that when markets are volatile the ultra EFTs do not work like advertised the short ultra EFTs can go down with the market when they supposed to be going up. 2xs and 3xs I think are not good to trade at all.
So now all day and short term swings in stocks and non leveraged EFTs with a lot of cash and no options.
Thanks for the helpful comments. I agree.