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01/22/20 7:06 AM

#51863 RE: tkg #51862

Tkg, exciting to see this event at Microsoft featuring LWLG's Dr Lebby as a Keynote speaker along with Intel and Juniper, looks like these are "the BIG 3" going forward, remember,

Microsoft, Facebook form Co-Packaged Optics Collaboration

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), two companies that stand to benefit in the future if the technology community can figure out a way to efficiently and economically co-package optics and switching silicon, have decided to help the technology development process along. The two mega data center operators have launched the Co-Packaged Optics (CPO) Collaboration. The CPO will aim to enable the development of common design elements that will guide technology vendors in the design and manufacturing of co-packaged optics approaches.

Stephen Hardy
Mar 15th, 2019

and remember what Dr Lebby told investors regarding Co-packaging!

LWLG is perfectly positioned to exploit co-packaging!

ASM Q&A at about 1:01:01 Dr Lebby talks about how LWLG's technology is perfectly positioned for the Photonics Industry's rapid trend towards CO-PACKAGING

Listen to what Dr Lebby's said, "co-packaging is where you bring the optics right next to the electronic chip, the CMOS chip, in fact, you put it actually on the chip, so you want to make that inter-connect as short as you can, so that the interaction between the electronics and the photonics is as close as possible, and if you think about our technology for a second, we've got a spin-on polymer technology that you can spin on to IC's and CMOS, so we are ideally positioned to harness the co-packaging trend that is occurring, so yes, I am watching the competition in terms of the materials and the performance of the devices, but we're also watching how it gets packaged together, and we are actually ideally positioned for this new trend that's just occurring where other technologies are going to suffer, and so yes it's not just the materials, it's not just the device's but you have to look at the packaging too, and you have to look at where all the fronts are, and where the technologies are progressing and at what rate, and the conclusion is that mother nature is working with us on a number of different fronts, and that's really really exciting!"
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01/22/20 12:11 PM

#51870 RE: tkg #51862

Lebby's keynote at the EPIC meeting is one of only 3 or 4 keynotes and sharing the stage with Intel and Juniper. And we know Microsoft and Facebook will be listening. So do we get a deal before Lebby's keynote? Or do we get a deal before the PIC International Conference? Right now even a small deal would do wonders for the pps. I agree with Proto "It's deal time" or least it should be.