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Wolf-man jack

08/08/19 6:00 AM

#53909 RE: super_trades #53906

If Cwbhf has over 6000 retail stores and generates 50 percent of their sales from online and CVSI has close to 5000 retail stores and only 15.7 percent online sales. It appears that CVSI is doing better in sales of products in stores than Cweb. Cwbhf is spending 4 million more dollars on advertising, marketing, General, and administrative areas of their business. If CVSI is doing better in stores, then it is possible that CVSI can bypass them in total sales. With over 100’s of fly by nights selling on the internet, it will saturate that part of the market. Being in stores will allow Cvsi to continue to be one of the leaders in the cbd market.
Imo Wolf

Breakdown of R&D Selling/Marketing , General, Administrative Costs. Comparison/Contrast with CVSI quarters and CWBHF R&D And GASM costs.

Q1 2019 R&D $1,342,000
Q2 2019 R&D. $1,688,000

This is amazing. The company is serious about their Scientific side of the equation you understand.

CWBHF Q1 2019 $191,000 Q1 2018 $126,000.

Selling, General, Administrative costs

Q1 2019 $18,595,000
Q2 2019 $. 9,009,000
Total SG&A Q1 & Q2 $27,604,000

SGA is averaging around $9 million per quarter. I believe Q1 included Mona’s 9 million payday.

General, Administration, Selling, & Marketing

CWBHF Q1 2019 G&A $8,461,000.Q1 2018 $4,066,000.
CWBHF Q1 2019 S&M $4,560,000.Q1 2018 $2,063,000
Total GASM Q1 2019 & $13,021,000

CWBHF is spending $4 million more on GASM than CVSI. This is considered an investment in the short run.

CVSI is spending around 1.2 million more on R&D. This cost is considered an investment for the long run.