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03/20/19 8:39 PM

#78987 RE: Lonewolf1 #78984

Wolf, no apologies will be needed. The longs are just as anxious as anyone to see the trial. Those who trust what has been reported want the peace of mind to see it in writing, finally. I also believe that they HAVE to come out. That’s the concept behind the .gov website. Good or bad it has to be shown. I may be wrong, but I have always believed CELZ has no input on the timing.

As for the PR cadence, I guess we will never know the effects will we? I like that they post up small bits of info on social media because they are free and frequent, but I agree that no one is really seeing it. If they issued a PR with every little thing they would be accused of putting out fluff PR’s. If they keep putting them out like they do every 4-6 weeks, they are not enough. Something in the middle surely would be nice.

I don’t claim to have the answers. CELZ is not making everyone happy for sure. Well, except JD ;)

I hope that plenty of doctors are reaching out to CELZ from the physician emails as they reported, and that Dr. Said has more WebEx calls bringing in even more doctors. Bringing in enough doctors treating enough patients will fix everything, correct? It will be the ultimate proof of concept.

Seeing their commitment, both in time and money is so telling to me. They know the science. They know the results and they know the need. If this was a scheme, it sure as hell is an elaborate one.

If it was up to me, the PPS would have leveled off at .07 and then ran up as the doctors opened their offices and none of us would be bitching. There probably would have been less notes issued at those higher PPS points. But, for whatever reason, things stalled out until 2019.

The ONLY thing good about the low PPS is I did add 50% to my stash. My chips are pushed into the middle of the table. Maybe the market is not seeing CELZ for what it I see yet, but those of us watching close certainly do. Time will tell who is right.

All IMHO of course.