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11/11/06 3:18 AM

#809691 RE: Cat_Ottawa #809687

Time Goes By Too Fast! Afraid To Die?!LOOK!> Not You Personally-Just A Question, In General, Entertainers We Grew Up With..John Waynn, Jackie Gleason,Dean Martin,Frank SINATRA, Bobby Darien-So MULTI TALENTED...etc Today, We Got Brittney Spears, ABOUT AS DEEP AS A BIRD BATH. Not Even BAND/Muciscaly Wise! Compare Miriha Carey,lol-To The Rolling Stones/Rod Stewart.
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11/11/06 12:26 PM

#809739 RE: Cat_Ottawa #809687

Courting Kitties:

A tom Cat and a tabby Cat were courting on a back fence at night.

The tom leaned over to the tabby with pent up passion and purred... "I'll die for you!"

The tabby gazed at him from under lowered eye lids and asked, "How many times?"

NYUK!!!, NYUK!!!, NYUK!!!

Thanks for your hard work Cat. I sincerely appreciate it & I admire your talents.

BTW, screen names are screen names...nothing more, nothing less. Since I like puzzles/mysteries, here are a few clues about the origin of "looznbux". Let's see if those who read these posts on this site can figure it out as/if they read further...

Most ppl in trading rooms read 'looznbux" as "Losing Bucks"...which is groovy with's kind of amusing, actually! (I can't believe I just wrote "groovy" -- my 70s are showing!).

That's NOT the original meaning, but I chose it as a screen name anyway since playing with the otcbb (& big boards too) can either make ppl $$$ or make them lose $$$.

Long story short, "looznbux", which has three syllables (looz-n-bux), morphed from a nickname I acquired 20+ years ago when my friends & I used to go to Vegas almost EVERY weekend ($19 RT flights from LAX or Burbank about "weeeeeeeeeee"!!!).

"Looznbux" originally started when my friends would find me waxing philosophically in the Keno Parlor in the wee hours (or after sunsrise...there are no clocks in casinos), usually quite buzzed after a loooooong night at the Blackjack & Poker tables.

HINT: Think about those three syllables independently.

1). "Looz" morphed from "loose" (defined as "buzzed"; "intoxicated"; & also a sexual connotation), NOT "lose" (the opposite of "win").

2). "N" is a common chat abbreviation for "AND".

3). "Bux", also a common chat abbreviation, can refer to money ("bucks", as in "moolah" or "$$$"). "Bux" or "bucks" can also be used in reference to someone who defies conventional wisdom/authority and goes about the business of conducting life in their own unique, inimitable & contrarian way.

That's it for the hints. last one: I almost always picked up the tab for some lovely din-din's on those "wildnwooly" Vegas weekends.

The first one to put my little puzzle together in a way that most closely matches the original meaning & it's origin wins a prize: my BIGGEST bag!!! LOL!!!

Time for some gardening, floating in the pool, & a breakfast margarita!!!

Cheers! & Happy Weekend! to ALL from Palm Springs.

Best Regards,
Bob (aka "looznbux")