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02/04/19 12:48 PM

#174998 RE: jessellivermore #174997

Excellent work
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02/04/19 1:47 PM

#175002 RE: jessellivermore #174997

Your discussion of systemic inflammation affecting metabolism, blood sugar levels and normal insulin resistance applies also to injected insulin resistance as well, IMO. My BS levels have been higher in the last 2 weeks. Here is why.

Some readers will recall my brief mention of the inflammation in me resulting from missing a single shallow step on exiting our elevated table at the magic show of David Copperfield at MGM Grand ~ 2 weeks ago. A rather hard, and painful, fall on my rear was the result. Mobility is OK, nothing appears broken, but Vascepa and twice daily Alleve did little to relieve pain. Heating pad to increase blood flow to lower back for 1/2 hour helped, but no total, consistent relief from pain. I increased amounts of injected insulin to control BS levels with mixed results. Had a 2nd hour treatment by local specialists this morning. Muscle stretching and manipulation, and initial electrical pulse stimulation. Some nice exercises to stretch the inflamed muscles w/o evoking pain are now in my daily regimen. Climbing flights of stairs in our condo is not painful, and helps with BS control as well, per usual regimen I used with colder weather in D.C. We are getting back to normal.
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02/05/19 11:31 AM

#175069 RE: jessellivermore #174997

JL - thanks for the compliment (especially coming from someone with your scientific background). I passed it to investor relations and perhaps not surprisingly, they were aware of the post and it contents. Despite what some might say -we "retail" investors can influence things. Amarin clearly pays attention to the ideas passed around here. Hopefully, they have already been sorting the data on water and fat soluble statins. Also hope they have been getting as much data as possible on mineral oil that was discovered after WWII. Every little dotted i and crossed t could help with the FDA. After the 2013 ADCOM, I would not doubt in the least that there will be someone on a panel (like Hiatt) trying to cast doubt on every last aspect of REDUCE-IT. If you recall W. Hiatt even started discussing how he didn't think the REDUCE-IT primary end-point wasn't correct. He started laying the work for sabotaging REDUCE-IT back in 2013. I guess the good doctor was unaware that angina is usually included in all these CV trials. I remain very cautious - how the FDA let someone who had received payments from AstraZeneca, who had bought Omthera two months prior, sit on that panel shows the lack of due diligence one can come to expect from bureaucrats.