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10/22/18 8:18 AM

#151396 RE: Jt0082 #151393

Jt..Am currently going back and try to find the post among a very large number of posts...

However I offer this citation in the meantime which might ease your concerns...

"Eliot Brinton....Medpage today....September 24, 2018

" Allthough I must disclose my partisanship up-front ( REDUCE-IT Steering committee member and Vascepa speaker ), I think the data (albeit currently limited) speak for themselves: REDUCE-IT is a grand slam homerun, corroborating the forgotten JELIS RCT using 45 % dose of an essentialy identical drug. REDUCE-IT showed 25 % reduction of ASCVD, Jelis showed a 19 % decrease and both were done against background statin therapy. Thus, of the 7 RCTs showing benefit in this setting ( those 2 plus IMPROVE-IT, FOURIER, REVEAL, CANTOS, and ODYSSEY Outcomes ) the trials using pure prescription EPA showed by far the greatest ASCVD benefit ( 25 % and 19 % vs 6-15 % for the others ), handly beating ezatimibe, evolocumab, anacetrapib, canakinumab, and alirocumab

" The manufacturer's press release contains only data fully vetted by the P1 for the REDUCE-IT trial ( Dr Deepak Bhatt ) and the data-safety monitoring board, both independent of the manufacturer. Yes, we are still awaiting formal peer review of a full publication, along with many important details, which are not available yet. The main study outcome, however, is highly significant both clinically and statistically. Short of some terrible, but very rare, scandal involving this trial, the top-line data WILL match the full publication. The top-line announcemants of EVERY lipid and diabetes CV outcome trial, at least for the past 15-25 years, since we started seeing top-line releases prior to trial publications, has matched EXACTLY the information in the subsequent publications. You are free to choose to ignore today's results announcement, but the rst of the clinical world has already begun to accept the top-line announcement as valid.........."

I want to acknowledge TOSCA for this post...

Eliot Brinton like Bhatt is an "opinion maker"....

":>) JL