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08/21/18 11:47 AM

#534452 RE: ItsMyOption #534450

In an attempt to try to find hidden links I sent letter below asking for clarification - not sure if I will get any reply. Could WMIH holding company still have control of a sub that could still be used for the benefit of WMI Estate asset holders?

Mr. Smith / Mr. Gallagher:

During the WMIH and NSM merge - was any sub of the WMIH parent company not part of that merge agreement, and that sub could still be used for the possible benefit of the old WMI Estate and escrow shareholders?

I stated many facts to Mr. Gallagher and he did forward those to you.

Facts: That he / you should know

- what assets WMIIC a sub of WMI had before they filed separate chapter 11 and that the parent company owned 100 % of the equity in that company that was liquidated during your time Dec.31st and assets where moved to new Delaware trust.

- You should understand there is still about 1.5 million shares in the disputed reserve for distribution. Under the LT control?

- You should understand that JPM never purchased neither bank assets or WMI holding company assets as they stated in many documents. Where are they?

- You should also understand the concept of Safe Harbor assets, Legal isolation, and the concept of Retained earnings – IMO there is over 60 billion missing did they just disappear?

- Nationstar was servicing many performing Mortgages both ABS & MBS that were held in Safe Harbor Trust. Those performing ABS assets being serviced are now part of WMIH, but who owns the equity interest to those?

- WMI Estate shareholder are assets owned within the waterfall for Equity, but somewhere also held in bypass trust that would get willed to new holding company WMIH, or possible sub of WMIH. I could give you much more including court documents that prove there is billions being held off book , safe Harbor – just talk with your FDIC and JPM buddies.

- It is also clear that FDIC still has not been released from any liabilities along with JPMC until receivership and all agreements have been finalized. Are you keeping track of that process?

After long phone conversation with Rich Delgado of NSM IR he made it clear that any WMI Estate assets where not part of the merge agreement. Is there any sub’s remaining that was not part of that merge agreement?
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08/21/18 12:17 PM

#534459 RE: ItsMyOption #534450

In my opinion, Im not surprise at the answers you got. We have been kept in the dark for a long time why would they say anything now. These people might just be instructed or trained to say what they been told to say.

I never believed Rosencrap when he said there was no money left...