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04/17/18 9:40 PM

#148010 RE: XenaLives #148006

Either Way, A Win

Xena, I concur.

If the upcoming Alzheimer’s clinical trial includes only those pre-selected for favorable genomic correlations with Anavex 2-73 responses, FDA approval is a given; particularly when measured against the low bar of the existing Alzheimer’s standard of care drugs. They only minimally, temporally reduce or suppress the progression of the disease’s symptoms. The approval bar is low, not difficult to hurdle if trial participants can be pre-selected for positive outcomes, such as those with strong responses in the Australian trial. Perhaps the majority of trial participants will be playing the piano and painting nice pictures a few weeks in.

Would anyone be questioning the Australian results if all 30 or so were “strong responders?” (Oops, of course. A few here will be telling us how FDA made a horrible mistake when it approves Anavex 2-73. Lives will be endangered. We’ve heard it all before.)

But, yes, “less powerful” responses from any majority of trial participants will allow FDA approval. Anavex 2-73 is competing only with the existing Alzheimer’s drugs. By all accounts and experiences, they are minimally effective. Won’t take much to clinically eclipse them. With genomic selections for response favorability, Anavex can opening cheat on participant selection. Only those with favorable genetics or indicative biomarkers will be allowed to take the drug. A wonderfully stacked deck to play the Anavex hand.

The market opens at 9:30am tomorrow. Place your bets....