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03/05/18 11:05 PM

#3484 RE: chilar4567 #3483

I'm sure we have all had those situations, no one is perfect (neither am I!)

You must make mistakes to learn from them and to prosper as an investor.

I remember many lessons from my early days trading in university.

First mistake was using excessive leverage! (I had taken out a student loan which I then margined to the max in my brokerage account and used it to invest in high dividend stocks to make the spread between yield gained and interest paid... (it worked out relatively well for a year or so)... but I also day traded in the same account and learned my lesson fast after receiving a margin call.

My second biggest mistake was investing in a chinese penny stock called China Clean Energy (CCGY). It was in the year's of the Chinese reverse merger's where lots of these Company's "appeared" better than they actually were as there was lots of fraud in the financials. Little did I know the high growth, high margins, was all "fake". The CFO ended up resigning and the company stopped reporting... lost lots of money in that one. That being said my biggest gain was also about 1-2 years before this happened in another Chinese stock called Gulf Resources (ended up getting nearly a 10 bagger from it)... luckily I sold when I did as all Chinese stocks came crashing down and now I don't trust any Chinese small cap!

Anyways, as you all mentioned, TPNL is different and operates like a much more stable large cap stock. I have lots of trust in the current management team and expect we will see great things in the coming year (s).

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03/07/18 3:51 PM

#3502 RE: chilar4567 #3483

6,100 shares on the ask between you and $1.20