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Almost A Myth

02/02/18 8:53 PM

#3165 RE: DD_dempsey #3061

$ADTM Why this company deserves our attention:

In this post I will summarize what we’ve learned from the latest ADTM PR’s on Jan 12 and January 24, 2018.

Anyone following Adaptive Medias knows the company has undergone some major restructuring in recent months. Once dedicated to providing state-of-the-art adblocker avoidance software, they have completely divested themselves of that endeavor and switched gears to provide financing in the explosive cannabis/marijuana marketplace using crypto and blockchain technology.

The transition was not easy. But instead of seeking toxic and dilutive financing to enable their transition, the company decided to go dark, cut staff, and suspend public reporting activities in an effort to conserve funds and act in the best interest of the shareholders.

As a result, the company has now secured approximately $50 million in financing from various non-dilutive sources, and expects to become one of the leading providers of growth capital to companies in the blooming cannabis industry. ADTM will now be able to provide immediate funds to bolster MJ companies in a quick and efficient process, all using the MJ friendly crypto/blockchain technology. With thousands of new entrant companies into the cannabis industry, ADTM has carved itself a niche in providing the funds these companies need to get started and forge ahead in this blossoming industry, all without the financing nightmares these companies face when trying to raise capital through traditional (and restricted) banking methods.

In the very near future, Adaptive Medias expects to announce a new management team, change the company name to Perfect Circle, Inc, and also change the ticker symbol to better reflect its new trajectory in the marketplace.

John B. Strong, the CEO of ADTM, has taken on two new senior advisors and cryptocurrency experts, Angel Mondragon and Patrick Benske. These two valuable additions will help Strong propel ADTM into the future of MJ financing by utilizing their expertise, knowledge, and experience of the cryptocurrency marketplace.

Angel Mondragon developed his skills in special financing through his intensive and highly successful work in the real estate business in Phoenix, AZ. Coupled with his extensive knowledge of cryptocurrencies, and his high ranking stature in the FX community, he reached out to Strong and the two entered into an investment deal together which is described in the Jan 24, 2018 PR as a “unicorn”.
“After their initial success, the two began getting involved in the cannabis sector and truly started to take advantage the crypto space. Angel developed his first coin (PLTX) for the firm that wouldn't be actualized until early 2018. Now he and his team are on a mission to disrupt the banking industry, to distribute wealth to the masses by utilizing new decentralized tools and technologies”.

“Patrick Benske is a passionate, optimistic digital marketer, forex + crypto trader and young enthusiast with great efforts and knowledge. Straight out of high school he partnered up with a colleague to launch their own design & web agency which they have built up locally to increase their recognition and reputation in the industry leading them to win numerous accolades and awards. As of today, Patrick has impacted over 20,000 marketers, designers, and business owners through his intimate knowledge of the cryptocurrency space. Well known brand and figures constantly contact Patrick for advice on how to grow their business, some of which are exceeding $100 million in annual revenue. Early 2016 Patrick has developed an interest in the financial sector which led him to study Forex. Patrick now operates a mentorship program where he teaches students how to trade profitably. In 2018 Patrick joined forces with Plutus to disrupt the fintech and crypto industry”.

In summation: It is my opinion that John Strong, together with his new management team, including Mondragon and Benske as key advisors, will provide a much needed funding opportunity for many start-up marijuana/cannabis companies who would have otherwise been forced to terminate their businesses because of lack of available bank financing.

Because of the anomalies in marijuana laws that exist between federal, state, and municipal governments, it has become extremely difficult for small companies to enter into, and prosper in this marketplace.

With the use of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology, these companies can legally circumvent these legal impossibilities and get the financing they need to grow their businesses and their herbs so consumers have plenty of choices. Most importantly, free and numerous choices in this market sector will help insure the GWPH’s and SMG’s of the world don’t systematically strangle the little guys out of this business with their bottomless pockets and endless lobbying.

It’s companies like ADTM who are the backbone of the MJ and related industries and will help keep the market where it belongs, in the hands of the people!

$ADTM: MJ friendly, shareholder friendly, and crypto/blockchain poineers!
