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08/08/17 11:45 AM

#65510 RE: lucky, mydog #65504

The DOT-US i.e. "" or .org or .bus or other domain names are available. Just because Steve Perry wants to sandbag the band Journey doesn't mean Neil Shant and the rest of the boys can't go to the Army base in the Phillapine Islands and find another Arnel Pineda. In my opinion Pineda has a better range and his notes are more crisp than Perry's over vibrato'd 1800th century Euro-influence voice.
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Up In Smoke

08/25/17 8:16 AM

#65545 RE: lucky, mydog #65504

Lucky i gave the SEC a voluminous detailed case of a Silver Platter years ago including names and off shore account info
The worthless SEC did NOTHING!!!I knew where all the bodies were buried
I turned it Over to the SEC thy are not interested
PQ used the Money laundering Company of the Stars
"Panama Papers" Mossack and Fonsecca the same 40 Country Money laundering Services that people like Hillary Clinton ..CEO Crooks..Tyrants like Ghadafi and the Worlds richest all use to hide the money they fleece from all of us slaves and peasants