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07/25/17 11:48 PM

#173985 RE: Eonofelix #173968

Your story is defenatly believable.

I have been to SFOR's office 2X. 1st time for the shareholders meeting and a second time this spring.
When you walk in, there is no lobby, on the immediate left is a receptionist desk. I have seen Scott sitting there. The back left corner is for filming their "under 3 minutes" segments (Scott and George) this is the booth you described. Then there are cubical 2 wide down the middle. The 1st desk in the row closest to the front of the office space is were I have seen George doing his thing. If you continue to the back right, this is where the conference room is. I met with a couple of the techies and Kay in this room.

I was there to show my concern about the way the license renewals were not a smooth transition. I explained that an email should be sent 1 week prior to the users license was about to expire and to just have a box in the email to continue with the license and the credit card info would be verified or a new CC could be entered. And at the date of expiration no key would be necessary. They listened to my input and realized that they needed to improve on it and were going to change it. Making it more user friendly.

Then I met with Kay one on one and he reassured me that everything he has publicized is accurate but the timelines are out of his control and the signing of deals and the court cases are not something anyone can give a date for. It's out of his hands. But everything is moving forward.

I live 1hr 10 minutes +/- from SFOR office. So I may drop in 1 more time before year end. Unless there is another shareholder meeting, which I would defenately attend.

Boston and Philly are great cities to visit, I go once per year to philly. But there is no place like NY.


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07/26/17 12:15 AM

#173988 RE: Eonofelix #173968

Thanks eono! Much appreciate the reply and honesty.

All the best to you.

Btw - you said you are a software developer. I am as well. Done some ERP in my day. Ever hear of the Pick operating system?

Go $sfor