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04/23/17 7:43 PM

#11934 RE: gfp927z #11931

gpf: The globalists like the outcome of the French election. The DOW Futures are up 170 points (at 6.37 CT) and Gold is down $16 an ounce.
I have until December 2018 to be right (that's when the Jan 2019 LEAP Puts settle). If the market hasn't corrected by this fall I'll likely sell my LEAP Puts for what I can get. But right now I'm still buying Puts on every rally. Which means I'll probably add more on Monday.

Some Options Trader, dubbed "Mr 50 cents", has been placing huge bets on VIX Calls. He always buys whatever VIX Call Contract is selling at 50 cents. He's down something like $21 Million so far (according to commentators on Zero Hedge). He's betting on a correction drives the VIX up
sharply. I'm not saying he's right. But he's got balls.