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03/05/17 9:36 PM

#266048 RE: StephanieVanbryce #266046

Trump creates distractions

Another explanation is that Trump, as he does when things go wrong (the Sessions recusal, disarray on tax and health-care legislation, accusations about his foreign holdings), deliberately creates distractions. He'd rather the media chatter about whether he is sane than focus on the need to obtain his taxes to determine what connections he and his family have to Russia. (Recall that last week a story surfaced that Donald Trump jnr was paid handsomely for a speech in France for a pal of the Putin oligarchs.)

4. Trump could be right, sort of

And finally, it is possible that he is right that Trump communications were under investigation - but only up to a point. We go back to a story from late October 2016 in which FBI officials allegedly investigated a connection between computer servers owned by the Trump Organisation and the Russian Alpha Bank.

your link ..

Now, correct me i'm wrong, but i read the alleged Clapper comment in .. Conspiracy theorist in chief? .. bit ..
Former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. told NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday that “there was no such wiretap activity mounted against
the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign,” adding that he would “absolutely” have been aware if there had been.

as, if he is to be believed, there was no wire tapping of any kind of Trump or his campaign going on .. if that's the case would
that say no to all the suggestions the FBI could have been, also? .. i'm just not sure if Clapper is speaking for the FBI, too

Edit update:

Speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press, Clapper said “there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, as a candidate or against his campaign.”

Pressed on whether he would know whether the FBI had obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order to wiretap the Trump campaign, Clapper said he
would have known and that none existed “to my knowledge,” and none was authorized for Trump Tower, the president’s campaign headquarters last year

Ok, so he is speaking for the FBI aa far as he knows .. he just left a little 'in case' qualification.