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01/18/17 9:13 PM

#26190 RE: ChuckFinley305 #26189

Here's a couple more dots connected.

In March 2011 Christopher Nelson was made President of Cyclone.

In December 2011 Cyclone held the open house for shareholders. The slides from the presentation are filed with the SEC.

Obviously Harry Schoell had to give a presentation, but Harry mysteriously left without taking any questions, claiming he had to catch a plane. Here was the schedule for the day:

Funny, that. Why couldn't they have started Harry's talk at 9:30, giving him a full hour to answer questions and done the tour at the end?

Why would President Chris Nelson have scheduled the open house this way?

Also funny is that they had a professional video company there recording the talks, two of which were posted, the talk by Kevin Bowen of Raytheon and the talk by Chris Nelson. You can go through the list of all videos posted by video company, and none are of Harry's talk:

Do you suppose Harry Schoell is so modest and shy that he didn't want a video of him posted?

Or do you suppose that Chris Nelson had by that time figured out that Harry just makes things up? Nelson was well aware of the years of failed predictions. Being a lawyer he would know that excuse they couldn't show running engines that day because of "the insurance" was pure nonsense.

Being the President and a lawyer he would know that he could be sued personally, or even put in jail, for securities fraud, and there would be a lot of witnesses there that day. Letting Harry ad lib would guaranty a lot of falsehoods would be told to shareholders. What's a lawyer to do to protect his own hide?

How about put Harry on a pre-approved presentation then get him out of there before he could start making things up? Like maybe if he had to catch a plane or something...

Harry did slip one key piece of fraud past Nelson though:

We now know the bearings, valves and condensing did not work then (and still don't work). We don't know whether the combustion and pumps work right because a Cyclone engine has never run long enough to find out.

Pure intentional misrepresentation of material facts.

Nelson, although being President of a steam engine company, was so utterly clueless about the technology and what Harry was actually up to that he let this by.

Harry and Frankie knew then they were swindling investors with claims of working technology and promises of production that had no basis in reality. That was more than 5 years ago, and they haven't gotten the slightest bit more honest since then.