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12/13/16 12:42 AM

#33592 RE: steelyeye #33591

This is not your usual FDA with advisory boards and staff that do great technical work. This is about smoking and trying to curb it so more people don't die. You can sort of understand booze, as some people at the FDA must drink, many Congressmen are drunks, they advertise everywhere and bring in billions of revenue. Sure booze kills people via drunk drivers and things like cirrosis, but they are not in the cigarette league. They do not advertise smoking anywhere. That killed ad agencies an TV revenue. If it was not for our aging population we would not see any ads. Between Prep-H and Viagra I have a tough time eating dinner.

But the FDA now controls one of the biggest killers of humans. They control obesity drugs and allow tons of stupid stuff like a balloon inflated in your stomach and lets not forget Phen Fen which killed a few in an effort to help obese people. You would think they would love to curb smoking and become heroic to mankind. I ask what more do they need that XXII has not given them? Are the tobacco Senators from Kentucky and the Carolinas threatening to cut off funding??? Is the CBO and every State treasurer soiling their boxers thinking our science will kill the Golden Goose of the Tobacco Settlement?

Your guess is as good as mine. Will there be a compromise middle ground where they make our product prescription driven? We did not kill anyone in the first trial like Juno did. Obvious the second larger trial is going full speed. What I think is happening is a very massive debate within the FDA between those who want to kill all smoking and those who know smoking is bad but the trade off of tons of taxes for millions of deaths is being soul searched.

I would appreciate comments.