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07/31/03 12:42 AM

#14451 RE: famlydog #14450

Fam. So the credibility of New Visual is all about the receipt of new funding.

At this point and time I think that's a fair statement. Haven't received funding since Brads example over a year ago, which if example is correct, should be a no brainer to fund considering the profit line involved.

I have no other alternative in a common sense thought process but to read what has been said to me and come to that conclusion.

I'm done with my base case thought process.
That has brought me nothing but disapointment.

Never mind all the people involved in our technological development. Maybe they ... well, hmmm hoped to get on the payroll too.

Maybe you can elaborate on this. Kind of think I know what you are saying but if I'm wrong I don't want to make a statement in relation to it.

Nevertheless, there are reasons, answers and possibilities that could exsist that would explain why we haven't gotten funding yet. And yes I DO need to say the right funding package.

It's been how long since we were suppose to have funding any day now?

I suggest reading Brads profit line example again and tell me how we can't get the right funding after a year since that was stated?

but we just don't know. I am glad you made that post, but it doesn't mean its the reality.

The reality is we have no funding while other companies do who have less of a potential profit to be made that were able to receive funding.

The reality is these shares they are asking for have no safety net for shareholders to just say some day oh btw the tech isn't going to get funding so we are going in a different direction.

It can happen. OTC companies do it all the time.

I've heard the reputation card played here all the time in relation to the above statement on why that wouldn't happen.

How many of you truly had ever heard of Grieves before?

Cooper? Ketch?

To say in their industry they'd be ruined is a joke imo.

It's ALL about money.

They'd be hired in a the same amount of time it takes Steinbrenner to decide to fire Billy Martin again if he was still with us.

Ventures don't work out all the time.
People in the industry know that.
If the people are good they will be hired.

We have no funding because something doesn't add up.

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07/31/03 1:06 AM

#14456 RE: famlydog #14450

Excel, (and other mossies) My perspective - having been on board NVI for only two years - does not allow me to "feel" the pain and discomfort you and other mossies feel as we wind our way hopefully homeward. Of course I'm aware of it intellectually and "know" that you and others have been buffeted about rather severely in prior years,seeing large investments dwindle precariously downward. It is no surprise, therefore, that you take current management to task for the reasons you've set forth. All of this is by way of saying that my perspective, not having experienced such slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that you and other co-investors have, allows for a differing
take on the current scene, one which, at first glance, might seem almost innocent and naive, but so be it: We are less han one month away from the sh meeting, at which time, I strongly suspect that many of your susses, as well as those of others, will be either proved or set by the wayside. The gnashing of teeth, tearing out of hair (and I have precious little with which I can afford to do that; I've torn much of it out over other of life's stresses), and wearing of hair shirts are grim enough, but to do it with possible resolution of the myriad mysteries which confound us - financing, cost and time of FPGA's and ASIC's, to name but two - less than 4 weeks away, it is indeed time for a draught of your favorite (spiked) Koolaid! None of us can come with any definitive answer, of this it must be painfully obvious by now. Nothing that any of us can say could possibly be believed, for obvious reasons, to be THE answer to any of the questions filling our postings.
I've become further enlightened as I've read many of them and am delighted that we have such an
intelligent, informed, diversified, and sharing group of posters here on our board, and I thank them for enlightening me about many of the finer points re the technology and the financial aspects of the proceedings. I just don't want to read about anyone
suffering ill effects from the high stress that some reveal in their posts! The information is coming,
people, and we can only hope that it's what we've been waiting for. This will prove to be an important nexus in NVI's life, one where the s/h's and the mgmt will confront each other and then leave, after it's over, either in trust...or not. I wish I could be there, but finances dictate otherwise. I wish us all the best of good luck.

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07/31/03 1:22 AM

#14458 RE: famlydog #14450

Both excellent posts. I'll come up with another reason maybe why we do not have funding. Some people are planners constantly planning and mapping strategy. I am one of these people and that is why I love chess. I map out a strategy and then the other guy moves and it causes me to have to adjust and re plan my strategy. In my finger notes on the Internet Chess Club. I have "Life is a lot like chess, if you do not plan properly you are going to get skunked".

I want to open a restaurant. I have two choices that either would make me happy as well as the plans for both. I think I could go out tomorrow and get financing in at least one form. It being a 50% partner. In other words that is available to me. I do not want to do me greedy or a control freak or whatever. I am willing to wait a few years if that is what it takes. If you compare that to NVEI it is possibly a comparison. Putting it in another light is say you came up with a new fuel that was obtainable by a computer code. If you gave this code out all your chance to make money disappeared. Would you protect that code? Would you be willing to wait a few years if that was what it took to get it to market?

So if someone wants to throw the hammer my way for massive speculation oh well. My point is Management looks very greedy to me. Not in the way some of you think. If I am right I think in a way that is very positive for the shareholder. I think they have gone all out to not give up any control and have gone out of there way to not give out the farm for a financing package. Maybe they had no choice to begin with because showing the tech made it vulnerable to be stolen. Maybe it is as simple as anyone could grab the code even an investor that is testing the tech and we are all out holding a frying pan on a corner. So maybe Ray was like me and said to hell with your lousy money deal, I'll get my own. Massive speculation I know but Excel and Fam's posts helped me dream that up. So my point is and the way it has been presented so far is we will come to market with no major equity investor such as a Microsoft or an Intel. If that occurs we the investors will be rewarded I would have to speculate. I guess I'll end that with go Step Into Liquid.

I am adding one other thing to add to Hitimers point. I have been in this stock around a year. One year less than Hitimer. I also feel you longs pain. Let me point out where i am coming from. I am averaged in at .34 cents. A movie is about to come out. They say the tech works. At this point it looks like it doesn't matter if they get a loan or not with the movie. It just seems to me like big things are coming. So sorry if i am so upbeat all the time but it seems to me to be "The right place at the right time". It seems sad to me that I have to make an excuse for being upbeat but on this board you do. I think I have sound reasoning to be upbeat on the last few things I mentioned. Time will tell.