Success Rate 11 out of 38 successful ratings -23.0%Average Return Average return per recommendation
Louise Chen Guggenheim Buy $12.00 Reiterated
Success Rate 43 out of 107 successful ratings -10.6%Average Return Average return per recommendation
Now as far as ARLZ goes, I bought in at 5.50 prior to latest approval on the 7th and while it hit 6.80 at one point (prior to Approval), it was quite sad seeing it drop to 4.60ish the day of expected approval. I did know it would go back up and averaged down during AH session. Still though, am quite frankly disappointed at it not reaching pre-approval level high of 6.80 but more so that it was barely above 6 and currently is trading at 5.60ish range. I sold my position 6.50 on the 15th as I saw the downtrend, I will be buying back in as early as PM Monday.
I do have some concerns about ARLZ and will go into them further when I have a moment.
Some key points before next post:
As approval was almost a guarantee, its clear that it had already been factored into the price.
The CC although seemingly positive, it did not blow me away, nor did it instill additional confidence.
Product does begin rolling out October - How long until real revenue growth?
Concerns about ZONTIVITY®
Current Conservative Short Term PT: $6.50-6.80 (Until we see more precise pricing, details on profit per unit etc) - This is very tentative, take with grain of salt
Long Term PT: ???
Will post ASAP -
Please feel free to comment, constructively criticize any and all posts of mine.