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08/20/16 5:12 AM

#410873 RE: bulldzr #410872


I been involved with options for over 20 years, and they can be good

or they can be bad. You have to have a strong conviction that you are

doing right and if you are right they can be very rewarding with less

investment. I as you know made and lost millions in IDCC but the

fundamentals are greater than ever for more upward movement. Here is

a suggestion and only a suggestion you can sell your long position and

buy deep in the money calls going out to March or if they have a longer

option buy that one. By buying deep in the money calls chances of losing

all are small but if you lose you lose twice as much as just being long

a stock you are losing on. However if the stock rises you control twice

or more the shares depending on what strike price you feel comfortable

with. I bought a meager 10 December $75.00 calls for a whopping $450.00

and they are worth around $1,700.00 today. Vegasoptions has made a

fortune buying options on IDCC. The stock besides the fundamentals

imoproving is also been held up by some short covering and definitely

the call writters buying as they are losing money here lately or losing

the shares the wrote the calls against. They had made good money

writing calls in the past but of late they have been paying the piper.

News of a good final results on Huawei, and then a LG license and we

should have a shot at $100.00 if that price is attained before December

then I could make 50 times my money. However when I bought them I was

gambling and had no problem if I lost $450.00. However buying deep in

the money calls if you have strong convictions and don't want to just

out and right gamble you can control a lot more shares. Vegasoptions

is making a fortune but had he bought out of the money calls and risked

it all that he invested in the deep in the money calls he could have

made 4 times his money already which would have been like owning the

shares and them trading at $200.00 a share. Let me add if Trump wins

and cuts corporate taxes to 15% then the savings goes to the bottom

line on earnings and put a 18 P/E on those dollars the price of

the stock goes up that much making it tempting to own long options.

I am preparing for the inevitable now and buying a bacx hoe Monday

to clear some of my land and build a house on and sell it hopefully for

a reasonable profit and disposing of property taxes. I want to dispose

of my property taxes and leave my wife and son where they have a decent

income and nothing to pay out that is not generating money. I can't

believe the happiness she has brought me and she deserves everything

I leave her. I hope I stay around a long time, but the last couple of

years have been my best years even though I did develop health problems

but at our age that is part of life, just enjoy what time you have left.

Don't look back as woulda, shoulda, and coulda, can not be changed

today, and tomorrow is the only thing that matters.

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08/20/16 2:09 PM

#410876 RE: bulldzr #410872

bulldzr: For some reason, I thought both he and the other guy (NukeJohn) who started on the board during that time, pumping high share price for IDCC on a buyout, convinced many to 'hold' or do options to make a killing.

Granted, it was my choice to hold for the last nickel but these guys put up a very convincing reason to follow their lead.

From one of jmspaesq from back then:

To my knowledge the Nortel Auction has now set a baseline

In the industry of $750K per patent. That figure is now widely being used in negotiations over patent sales.

Accordingly, IDCC should not agree to offers where the IP is not valued commensurately with those figures.

Add in our cash, the engineers working on cutting edge, seamless solutions to bandwidth crunch, video optimization, MTM, network of networks etc, the 'good will' of the company, their role in SSOs and the industry, the buyout should certainly be in excess of $10B-- a fair figure would actually be $15B (using the 18,500 patents 3X Nortel 13.5B, $700m in cash, and $1.3 B for the engineers and good will also it rounds up to a nice round figure).


Oh well, that is history! Today is today! Let's hope we are really on the right track this time.