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05/20/16 8:10 AM

#303 RE: TradeALLday #301

Ever hear the old adage..."A little bit of knowledge is dangerous......" Thats exactly whats going on over there. You have some posters that think they are knowledgeable and they sound very authoritative, but unless they work for an investment banking firm or are principals in banking firms, its all just more BS. The show King of Queens has an episode that has stood out to me for so long, when Doug asked if there was more beer in the basement, and his houseguest/father in law watcher said "I think so...."........and Doug asked her...."Are you sure?........" and she responded......"I really think so..........", and then Doug said....."C'mon, you should go down there and actually look........because "THINKING ISN'T KNOWING".

And thats exactly whats going on over there. You have non-shareholders getting involved in discussions using company disclosures against the company. That happens on most OTC message boards, you have those that think they are smarter than everyone else, and the laughable thing, they have no idea what is really going on at ANY company, just guessing. To some, its a game - an exercise in showing people how smart (or stupid) they really are, others, want to manipulate other members to buy or sell stock, for their own personal gain. I know for a FACT at least 1 particular idiot over there that PM's me telling me to SHHHHHHHHH.....when I caught him, and you know which one that is.

Just be secure in what you KNOW and try not to guess whats going to happen next. And that applies to ALL investing.