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05/12/16 7:09 AM

#263893 RE: ku #263879

ku, the answers isn't as straight forward.

1) I have indeed the investment part (the biggest part)

2) I HAD (but have no longer since 2012) a trading part. Just traded it to keep my average down while not 100% sure that Bavituximab worked.

3) As of the Sept 7th results (even after the dose switching) there isn't a hair on my head that doesn't believe in Bavituximab so I keep my average down by buying at interesting prices. My average is however again positive (the means I am partially using my own money again at risk) due to my additional purchases of the past 12 months.

4) I NEVER EVER had a pile of stock specifically for shorting. I actually NEVER short PPHM with the intend to make money of the short position. I used shorting to better fill my long term long position. Drop 200K fast, buy 400K slow. This leaves the price where it was which is important for me otherwise I de-valuate my own shelf. I know that on this board I have few supporters that believe that buying 10 cents lower makes a big difference but I made that leverage case already in the past and those that think it doesn't make a big difference in the end are free to think so.

5) Just like everybody else I would not like to lose my investment, however the money involved is not money I need. So I can lose it but will not feel happy about it. Although one can never tell 100% I am quite sure that PPHM will be what my Microsoft slogan says, NO MATTER what the general MOMENTUM sentiment and PPS say. We've been at these prices in 2011 and then I was more concerned then now because we didn't now for sure that Bavituximab worked.

6) The pro's (well semi-amateurs because a pro doesn't need to play you he has an arsenal of tricks to move the PPS if he knows his job) do not influence me. I do my D&D and I am probably amongst those investing the MOST time in PPHM on this board to exactly understand ever single angle of it. I read, I move, I communicate. So there are a number of things I know FOR SURE.

--> BoD/Management (without assessing their performance that each can do for themselves) are CERTAINLY not part of some scam, some fake product lines or phony drug of which they know it has the potency of tap-water.

--> The BoD/Management, employees, consultants, etc all want to make their profits with the PPHM shares (although I heard Garnick say it isn't for the money he is in it).

--> That MSK, NCCN, AZ are parties that do NOT PLAY HOUSE with PPHM if PPHM has nothing worth their interest/effort and that Nature and its many side publications don't let just anyone write that PS is a Global/Upstream/Systemic agent.

--> That in 2017, I will be in the year were I anticipated it would all happen. While not impossible with the NEW FDA paths to approval that might be delayed a year. I don't mind because I did NOT anticipate Avid's success and I did also not anticipate that PPHM would still have the IP and pipelines 100% unencumbered. Actually that last part always impressed me and is the reason why I didn't mind the use of the ATM. There is NO AMOUNT of money that PPHM can raise with the ATM that doesn't exponentially come back because they, and not some BP, own the IP/Pipelines.

This being said I think BoD/management (besides their apparent ability to communicate well if everything goes well and their inability to do so when there is some bump in the road) should become a little HARDER and MORE INTERESTED in the WHY of their 4 QUESTIONABLE trial results. And I don't just mean Garnick finding out WHAT happened with the CONTROL ARM but WHY/HOW it HAPPENED. Was there some INCENTIVE system for doctors to take a blood sample and check if a patients was on Bavituximab or not and if NOT to offer them 3rd line treatment as of progression? It is as SIMPLE as that.

Because all this nonsense has to stop and it will not if BoD/Management doesn't bring up the pressure and the chance of getting caught for however is involved in this. I think that if the CA is of the table there might be a TAIL to the CSM story. Possibly if it was JB in the courtroom she knows that is coming and placing PPHM in a class action might look like a possible escape from such new prosecution risk. And in order to be able to show their teeth PPHM needs a more INTENSE partnership (just lets assume a Partnership is something STRONGER then a collaboration). At that moment there will be a bigger party that has the common interest that future clinical trials of PPHM are left alone.

So beside continuing working on Avid 3rd party revenue, getting a good partnership and promoting Bavituximab in all markets PPHM must now do something that scares the hell out of those working its trials. All that is what our investment in PPHM needs, however while I do not worry for the first three, I am curious to see if they will do #4.