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05/06/16 8:54 PM

#248413 RE: Dale C #248409

Dale C -- other links for e.g. AP (or Reuters or AFP or other such news service) stories are easy to find by (basic) Googling the headlines when the stories are new/relatively recent -- years later, not so much, not always anyway

this board is, in one sense, an ongoing chronicle/record -- lotsa significant stuff, good, bad and ugly, presented/memorialized here -- where one reason I require source links is so things can be verified/viewed in the original even years later; adds real value to things posted here that'd be missing without the source links

Bernie demands to be treated as the new king of the Democratic Party/all things Democratic, and as the boss of Hillary, even thouugh he's never been a Democrat (he's way too good and pure for that) and has lost his bid to become the Democratic nominee for President to Hillary -- his presumption and impudence take a second seat to nobody else's, not even Trump's -- and speaking of Bernie, here he comes on Maddow now