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07/20/06 5:05 PM

#81359 RE: early retirement #81358

FYI E-R....Note date of teaser e-mail--I rec'd it on that date. See pick #3--GUESS WHO #3 IS?!
July 11, 2006
Fellow Investor,
Happy Birthday!
To Changewave MicroCap Investor. And to celebrate, I am doing two things here today.
1.  First, I'll give you the lowdown on 3 little stocks that all have 10-bagger potential, or better.
Will they all make it that far? Hard to tell. I love the business models. I love the spaces they're operating in. I have confidence in management. But microcaps are no sure thing.
Maybe one company gets gobbled up by a competitor at a lower multiple. Or perhaps it simply screws up on execution along the way.
But I personally feel so strongly about these three companies that I'm betting two out of three will reach that 1,000%-gain milestone.
And here's the kicker: You can buy the whole basket of three power-packed microcaps for around $4 per share right now. 1,000 shares of each cost about $4,000.
So you get enormous potential with just a small amount of cash.
2.  Now, my second reason for writing today. As I alluded to at the beginning of this letter, we're celebrating our 3rd birthday here at ChangeWave MicroCap Investor.
During that time, we've sold a one-year subscription for $2,995 and had tons of takers at that price – and folks happily renewed, as well. (But I've got a much better deal for you today.)
And boy oh boy, the world of microcaps can be tons of fun.
Subscribers loved the slingshot ride when one of our little tech stocks rocketed from a low of 6 cents to a high of 75 cents in six months. Many of us captured 500%-1,000% gains off our original investment – and still retained core positions for future big gains.

Our energy services play tested our patience for a while.  But I trusted our research and told folks to back up the truck and buy when it slipped under 2 bucks a share.  Now?  The stock has rebounded to just under $10 in less than a year.  Patience pays.
And our most recent buy – a stock I want you to establish a position in while you still can – has already doubled in a few short months.
That's what I call fun.
And if you like the action, have a little patience while we wait for these things to rocket. Here's the deal:
You get three white papers online immediately on the three 10-baggers I'm going to tell you about in just a moment.  And you pay just $395 for a 3-month test drive of ChangeWave MicroCap Investor – instead of the usual quarterly charge of $795.
Plus, you lose nothing. All I ask for is a fair shake. If you decide this service isn't a good fit for you, cancel anytime in the first ninety days, and we'll promptly refund your full $395.
So Happy Birthday to us. Click on any of these links to accept.

Stock #1: Brand-new pick – my ?favorite business model

Our tech mega-winners typically have one thing in common: the ability to innovate a new technology and then license it to major industry players.
Some people call it the "razor and blade" model, others prefer "camera and film" – in today's digital world, no one will even understand that reference in a few more years.
But the basic idea is this: This little tech company can ultimately make huge amounts by licensing its proprietary technology to large companies, which pay it recurring fees.

It's just like Gillette selling razor blades – or the good old days when Kodak had a lock on film – once the customer makes the first move, the revenue stream virtually never ends.
I love it. Now let me write about one of my favorite spaces – and this company's place in it.
"Tag stocks" are set to rocket ahead over the next year.
"Tags" – that's my slang for the Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDs) that act like super-advanced bar codes.
They do everything that bar codes do – but better – plus a whole lot more. That means big savings for the retail industry... vastly improved security... theft avoidance... a much more efficient supply chain... you name it.
As prices come down – and they're dropping fast – effective uses for these tags are limited only by our collective imagination.
This mega-shift is going to make a few of the early proponents fabulous returns. And investors like you can earn tens of thousands – or hundreds of thousands – in extra profits...
...if you buy the right stocks.
You see, the high margin, recurring revenue investment opportunities will not be in selling RFID tags and scanners. It will be the perpetual monitoring (read: dynamic) solutions that certain companies provide for them.??Here are some of the amazing possibilities for dynamic RFID:
• Authenticating consumer goods like clothing, sneakers -- a $16 billion problem for branded hard-goods manufacturers.?
• Monitoring perishable food products like milk, eggs, even seafood -- a $50 billion problem worldwide. And opportunity is not just in tracking these products. Imagine if the milk or seafood distributor knows when their products are being stored too warmly or for too long. We're talking about safety monitoring, not just simple counting. ?
• Authenticating pharmaceuticals to virtually eliminate the distribution of unauthorized or illegitimate products.?
• Authenticating paid customers and actual tickets for sporting events, theme parks, concerts and more.?
• Dynamic RFID (I'll explain in a moment) can even help save billions of dollars in drilling costs for natural gas exploration companies.
Those are just a few highlights. This opportunity is huge, and we're going to clean up at MicroCap Investor. Click here to join us.
And with this stock, we've got dynamic RFID covered.

This firm – through one of its subsidiaries – is a strong competitor in all of these RFID applications. And it's not often that we uncover a microcap that is:
• Headed by an innovative CEO with a proven track record and a strong support team.
• A pure play on one of the next biggest technological trends (RFID).
• And a provider of solutions (with recurring revenues) that utilize all forms of wireless technologies.
You seldom – if ever – get such a complete package in a microcap, which you can own for a buck and change.
As things heat up, I don't believe this stock will sit there long.
As I've said, this company has a recurring-revenue business model that I love. And we expect to hear about contracts in the aerospace, oil and gas, and consumer sectors in short order. Yet, what they already have on the table today gives us insights into their – and our -- bright future.??In March, management signed an agreement with Securus Technologies to provide RFID technology for the 120,000 phones in their 3,100 correctional facilities.
The inmates will wear RFID-enabled wristbands, which are scanned every time a phone call is made and our little microcap gets paid about 3 cents per call – with about a million calls every day.
And as a follow-up, this firm just signed another contract with Securus involving ZigBee sensors. The specific solution it provides can't be revealed for security reasons – but I like what it says about this company's ability to turn its customers into repeat buyers. ??ZigBee is basically a simpler and cheaper alternative to other wireless personal area networks – to be used in embedded applications requiring low data rates and low power consumption such as medical data collection, smoke and intruder warning, as well as building and residential automation.
As you see, we're just beginning to scratch the potential of this stock. This truly is on the launch pad, getting ready to skyrocket.
Get all the details in my online white paper Turn the RFID Tipping Point into a 10-Bagger. Click here.
It's a gas, gas, gas
Earlier I mentioned the significance of dynamic RFID in the natural gas field.  Now let me explain.

The key driver of these applications – why the business world will buy them – is cost savings.  And right now, this company is working on a significant contract that could prove to be that "cost-saving" killer application for the oil and gas drilling industry.
You see, the high expense of seismic well evaluation is a given in the industry. Seismology is the "radar" that production drillers use to see how their recovery strategy is working.??Today, you have to drill one well... perform a fracturing procedure to break up rock formations... and then drill a second well to measure the extent of the fracking. ??But thanks to this firm's breakthrough technology, it's no longer necessary to drill that $600,000 secondary well.  This firm's patent-pending wireless (monitoring) technology can provide the "seismic triangulation" to do the analysis, instead.
As you can imagine, reducing costs by $600,000 per well is huge! This new technology gives new meaning to well fracturing – and it provides an enormous cash flow opportunity for our little microcap, as well.??Management in the final stages of contract negotiation and is expected to begin commercialization of this technology later this year.  And with a successful project, the firm could receive a 5% royalty on gross revenues for seven years.
Those are just a few highlights...
...of what you'll discover in your online white paper.
You'll also learn about the "mu" chip – about the size of a grain of pepper and the world's smallest RFID tag – and this company's role in its use.
This application will provide the ability to authenticate trillions of highly branded items.??For example, high-value brands are facing a $16 billion counterfeiting problem -- ever been offered the chance to buy a "Rolex" by a street vendor for a hundred bucks? The tiny mu chip will go a long way toward eliminating this problem.
You'll also read about surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology, an extension of the RFID wave, often referred to as the "perfect passive RFID tag."
This remarkable technology allows full commercial pallet reading and also overcomes the obstacles current RFID tags have with liquid, metal and extreme temperatures.??As you'll discover, our company has exclusive agreements with the top two SAW manufacturers – and already has booked its first commercial orders from Fortune 500 companies.
This is a company on the rise – get in now
It looks like July could be a key point in this company's leap forward – so we've got to move quickly and establish our positions now. 
This isn't some shot in the dark.
The company should be cash flow positive in the fourth quarter according to their prison applications alone.  And as I've given you a glimpse of here, there's much, much more business activity in the pipeline – plus the founding stockholders have deep pockets.
And the potential over the next several years is enormous.

The "elevator pitch" for this stock is simple: The disruptive applications for RFID are so huge and compelling that they will penetrate a wide assortment of industries.  And as these new applications come on stream, this firm's cash flow should grow exponentially.??That's why I've seldom seen as attractive a proposition in all my years of investing.
Click here to read all the details online and try MicroCap Investor at this special, low 3-month rate.

Stock #2 - Why I personally own a ton of shares

The news on the second little microcap I want to introduce you to today just keeps getting better and better.
I believe it's the stock of the 21st century – and have anted up to own a ton of shares.
You can buy it now for around 2 bucks and change – you could have bought it when I first wrote to ChangeWave readers a couple months ago for around a buck a share. But don't sweat the nice profits you've already missed.
If this continues to play out the way I think it will – and all signs point that way so far – this has all the makings of the biggest score of my investing lifetime.
It truly can make you a fortune – if you take a position now.
This firm is closing in on a big contract with a monster company that'll zoom this stock higher.
And they're also working with two more biggies to use their proprietary, groundbreaking technology in smartphones and for accessories to the #1 consumer gizmo – the iPod.
This company is now entering something I call the Multiplier Cycle – where one new contract begets 2-3 more with product suppliers... which begets 2-3 more with new companies... which begets 2-3 more with their suppliers.
And so on.

Every new minor contract can add $.50-$1.00 to the (currently around $2) stock price. With every major contract, I'm looking for a $1-$2 pop in the stock.
And we have over 90 product categories to run through with existing patents. You do the math.
Then get my online white paper Investing in the Holy Grail for all the details on this opportunity.Click here.
The ‘Holy Grail' of engineering & product design
For decades, engineers and designers have been searching for just the right formula to make a product…
…that combines the buoyancy and flexibility of plastic, with the strength and conductivity of metal.
If you had such a product, design engineers could:
*** Reduce the weight of a jet airplane, bus, truck or automobile 10% or more – cutting costs and improving gas mileage.
*** Create a cell phone case that doubles as an antenna – increasing range and quality of wireless phone calls 20%-40%.
*** Substitute plastic for silicon in the making of semiconductors, RFID chips and diodes.
*** And substitute plastic for metal in about 100 other applications, as well.
This truly is the "Holy Grail." And this little company owns the patents and manufacturing process that's going to make them, and us, rich.
The Alliance comes through for us again
Nobody has ever heard of this company, outside of polymer engineers.
But once again, our ChangeWave Research Alliance gives us a huge edge over most investors. One of our members contacted me six months ago, so excited he could barely contain himself.

And after I researched the company myself, it was easy to understand his exuberance.
There are some conductive polymers in use today, but they only work in low voltage applications. But this company's formula breaks all the old rules.
Here's what the inventor, and General Manager of the company, has to say about it:
"Ours is the world's only highly conductive polymer. It's conductive enough that you can run heavy current through it, either A/C or D/C. My gut's telling me this is going to change the electronics world."
We're talking about an inexpensive plastic – that can be molded in any shape you want – which conducts electricity, radio waves, heat, virtually as well as copper.
And after my colleagues and I looked into all the details ourselves, I think the inventor is at least partly right about that "changing the world" claim.
With the stock around 2 bucks, we can pick up a ton of shares cheap. A little investment for a pretty good shot at making a fortune – I like those odds.
Click here to join me.
Third-party endorsements back the inventor's claims
"A cell phone modified with his antenna was up to twice as efficient as with a normal antenna." --  Lothar Schmidt, a technical manager for Cetecom Inc. of Milpitas, Calif.
Tech consultants Frost and Sullivan tested the formula for some of the heavy-hitters of the plastics world (Bayer, GE, Tyco, DuPont) – and gave a "thumbs up" in every application tested.
William Gates – that's the lawyer father of Bill – has done most of the patent work for this company. And, I understand, in some cases has taken stock in lieu of monetary payment– does that tell you something?
Click here.
This is our next big winner
Imagine if you had gotten in on the ground floor with the company that owned the license to Teflon. Or bought Qualcomm before anyone had ever heard of its CDMA technology.
That's how big this technology can be.
*** It means cheaper, more durable cell phones. Longer battery life. Clearer reception. Fewer dropped calls.
*** Materials can be made airplane-strong, yet 40% lighter than aluminum.
*** The company has already filed patents for plastic batteries, solar cells and RFID chips.
*** We could even mold entire circuit boards from this stuff – at half the conventional cost. Or have electronic displays that you can roll up and put away in a cardboard tube after use.
One last word from the inventor: "I've developed a lot more recipes throughout the years and I can mimic any metal, including superconductors. I can mimic copper, silver, gold, titanium, palladium -- just about any metal on the planet."
And this stuff can be created, inexpensively, on traditional injection-molding equipment.
The potential uses for this technology are virtually unlimited. So is your profit potential.
So when do we start seeing big gains?
Great news! Most of the groundwork is finished and we are within a couple quarters of real sales.
Right now about 40 companies are conducting tests and making prototypes with the material. All the big players – the Dows, Bayers and GEs of the world.
The next announcement we are waiting for is on a manufacturing partner to compound high volumes of the material. And I expect to get this news very soon.
The story just keeps getting better from there. Management has filed 100 patents to cover a wide array of markets. And as each of these patents is approved, new doors will open to enormous wealth – for them, and us, as well.

In fact, I really have no idea how far the stock price can ultimately run.
As I said before, I'm looking to sell half when we hit a 10-bagger. The rest? I might just let it keep growing forever.
Join me by accepting your special price, $395, 3-month subscription here.

Stock #3: The possibilities are tantalizing

This company owns some of the best technology, by far, in what is fast becoming one of the hottest growth spaces – one where Microsoft and Google are already gearing up for a battle that will mean huge gains for the victor.
If you're a serious growth investor, you can truly make a small fortune in this stock… with just a very small investment now.
This is not a slam-dunk – but it also carries the biggest potential as well.

I recently spent a lot time with management about this.... they are finally getting their actions to match their vision which is great for us investors.
Many of our MicroCap readers tell me they like to trade this stock – "buy under 30 cents – and then sell above 40 cents," and that is fine. I've heard from numerous folks who have round-tripped this stock 3-4 times over the last several months — no problem with me.
I also know that many of you sold stock you bought under 10 cents at 70 cents or more when the stock zoomed up, after management announced their WordRegistry business—that's fine too!
But I hold a good chunk of this stock under 30 cents and don't plan on selling anytime soon.

The main reason is that they really are now building the mobile marketing technology and ad agency of the future – and the acquisitions they are doing are now finally starting to get them to critical mass.
As many of you know, I am an active private investor in emerging technology. And one of my biggest private investment holdings is in the mobile content and marketing space. The reason? Huge growth!
Full details in your report. Get it online here.
What's happening with this company now?
Management is using the strength of their patents to "roll up" the privately held mobile marketing world. By this time next year, they will be the undisputed leader in delivering technology and marketing services to cell phones.
If you look at the other enabling technology leaders, you see, they:
*** have bought Mobot?*** are in a legal battle with ScanBuy?*** have a tech deal with AirClic after their settlement?*** are undoubtedly close to agreements/takeovers with several other firms
Their strategy is simple: You either agree to pay royalties and licensing fees to the firm on its patents that enable marketing over the Internet to mobile phones…
…or we'll buy you out if you can help us get become the dominant player faster.
And if you look at mobile marketing agencies and aggregators, they are aggressively acquiring and partnering there, as well.
Their acquisition of 12snap makes them a very strong player in the mobile marketing agency world. And using SMS (Short Message Service) to conduct contests, games, etc. for big brand advertisers is fast turning into a marketing breakthrough.
That's why there's a lot of action in this space.
Management's goal is to be paid a fee by every marketer who wants to activate their name or logo or bar code as a marketing tool over wireless.
And they are getting closer to this vision every week.

Right now it's SMS messaging… then we go to using the cell phone camera to click on a picture or bar code or logo (already used in Japan by over 9 million people)… then the phone starts to read RFID tags… and later you use your voice to say "ChangeWave" or "eBay," and your voice-enabled browser takes you to the site where those marketers want you to go.
This is the world that management envisions and so do I…
Back up the truck and buy today at around 25 cent per share.
And hold on for a wild ride to $5 or more.
Happy Birthday to the U.S.A. and to Us...
...celebrate with three potential 10-baggers, or better, plus a special low entry price for you.
As I've said, we've had many happy subscribers at $2,995 per year. But now you get to test-drive ChangeWave MicroCap Investor for just $395 for the first 3 months – that's half-off the regular quarterly rate...
...and a great way for you to decide whether this service is a good fit for you.
If it's not, just say "No thanks, Toby," in the first ninety days, and we'll refund everything you've paid with my thanks for giving it a fair try.

Click here to accept now.
Loving the microcap action,
?Toby Smith, Editor ?ChangeWave MicroCap Investor
P.S. Don't forget. You get immediate online access to your three 10-bagger white papers as soon as you join. And you lose nothing. Complete refund anytime in the first 90 days if you're not happy as a clam in microcap land.
Follow this link now.
P.P.S. My online seminar How to Bag Monster Profits in MicroCaps has been a huge hit with investors like you.
I lay out the case for investing in microcaps, explain how to turn the odds of success squarely in your favor, and give you the full story on several microcaps that have a great shot at becoming 5-10 baggers, at least, from here.
And this online seminar is yours at no cost, when you accept your subscription to MicroCap Investor now. Click here.