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02/11/16 1:24 PM

#244366 RE: SilverSurfer #244365

I still believe in the United States of America and our Constitution, and our ability to change peacefully from within, through the ballot box. The people that share your cynicism are not rare but to me it is just part of the "bottoming out" process that will eventually be righted through peaceful class warfare. Not all rich people are evil. But it is going to take the help of the ones who are not... time for another FDR. Trump is not that man. Bernie's heart is in the right place, but i sort of wonder if he could git 'er done.

I basically reject all the republican candidates out of hand, as not one of them has any plan that does not include yet even more tax breaks for the rich... continued pillaging of our nation. Kasich seems the least crazy, but a guy that is short-sighted enough to defund planned parenthood in his state does not say much about his ability to govern for ALL the people, and not just a narrow band of people; polling shows that such a move is only to assuage a small portion of the population.

Trumps crazy shit might speed up the process... and usher back the guillotine.