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Toxic Avenger

02/06/16 9:53 AM

#289342 RE: honey/pot #289341

There's plenty of evidence of Brost's involvement, starting with his statements made while at the plant. That truth has been validated by multiple parties.
As for his compensation before being hired and any shares he was funneled "off the books" or trading he did with inside information, that's something we'll have to wait for an SEC or DOJ investigation to uncover.
But your assertion that he's an innocent victim (which as we've shown he clearly isn't) has even less circumstantial evidence to back it up than the claims that he was intimately involved in the scam.

There's plenty of blame to go around for all the insiders and JB, who masterminded the whole thing.

That doesn't make Hans innocent or excuse his actions.
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02/06/16 10:25 AM

#289346 RE: honey/pot #289341

"there isnt any physical evidence like a contract between parties or stock certificates"

Nope. But why would that stuff be made public? Besides, pimps don't usually put stuff like that in writing.

I already showed you one of the things that Hans Brost made very public in a press release ("physical evidence"):
"A solution to the tons of plastic disposed of daily by residents of the Coachella Valley is coming to Palm Springs."

He knew when he said that that he personally couldn't pull it off (he sold mayonnaise recipes for a living, for pete's sake) and he knew that the technology couldn't solve a thing. It was a pipe dream promotion from a guy who couldn't even keep track of his lighter, published with one purpose only....kindling for the share price.
Whether he was doing it by agreement with John Bordynuik or for his own benefit doesn't was bullshit and he knew it. That matters.
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02/06/16 10:40 AM

#289347 RE: honey/pot #289341

30 million dollars.

I find it interesting that the two CEO's from Missouri who evaporated around 30 million dollars of developmental monies

That's an interesting figure that I have never seen once in thousands of comments.

Care to share how you calculated that sum ?