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11/05/15 7:55 AM

#74472 RE: ib12u #74467

I would tend to agree with you if said company had something they manufactured, supported or invented. AFPW has none of those area's covered and never will. They have "no" employee's or management (except Fong's pals that are in on this scam). The only time afpw moves is when Fong announces another directional move(3 directional moves since I've been here)for the company and newbies are caught not looking harder into what they are buying. I got caught myself when I believed they had a real product in the Hydrogen market and weather balloons were supposed to be sold to the military. That turned out to be bogus and that is when I started doing some research on AFPW and found that Fong has a massive reputation for scams going all the way back to the early 90's. I also found that many lawsuits since the 90's have been levied at Fong for many of the same issues he still uses today. There are several other scam companies that Fong is involved with outside of AFPW (GRAS, FFFC, etc) and they are all set at .0001. If you look at each they all have new directional changes just like afpw, doesn't that seem odd? It does for me!

These are the directional changes since 2010 for afpw. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out these guys are scammers.

2011- Hydrogen market (Weather ballons)
2013- Cannabis market (Test plants in Michigan and somewhere in the southwest)
2015/16 - Cyber Security This one makes me laugh "Cyber Security"!

Now you tell me, with no employees and no management how does anyone think this new (scam) endeavor will ever work out? As I have said this whole year Fong will come up with a new directional change and this latest news only validates what I've been saying for well over a year now. These guys are scam artists not business people.

With hundreds of millions (billions) of outstanding shares out there and people ready to jump at the slightest bump in pps even if newbies are caught off guard and bought shares people just like myself will start dumping those billions of shares at the drop of a hat. If there is ANYONE here who thinks Fong and his band of scam artists are going to come to the rescue of us shareholders I have several bridges I'd like to sell you. You can hope and pray that something magically will ignite this stock but that is just a pipe dream at best. You, me and anyone else who has invested in this scam have learned the hard way, we got scammed! With the government agencies not going after guys like this it makes me realize why it is so lucrative to be a white collar criminal.

Hope and pray all you want, this dog is on life support! Don't believe for one second this latest directional change will help anyone except Fong and his buddies.