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10/28/15 3:56 PM

#287154 RE: fourkids_9pets #287151

Indeed it's not "rocket science".

Rather it's a criminal conspiracy to defraud run by John Bordynuik with the help of various *co-conspirators *.
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10/28/15 4:09 PM

#287155 RE: fourkids_9pets #287151

gee who'da thunk it .. of course it's *illegal*

something i've noted *consistently* for years

and said >> illegality via corruption is particularly *egregious*
specific to the OTC cesspool

something all of us actual investors who choose to document data note
specific to PTOI .. which does indeed *trade* (again i use that word
rather loosely) on the OTC

it is what it is .. looking forward to not only what P2O's mgmt reveals

but what other aspects reveal in due course ....

i look forward to those undertakings .. every last round ;)

edit >> nice paint job indeed

i liked the 250 earlier .. what was that cost? 20 bucks? 15 bucks?

SOS DD .. it's irrelevant .. just like the PPS is .. it's been orchestrated since 2009

here's to RH's *path pursued* .. articulated
