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10/12/15 11:03 AM

#37670 RE: mcsharkey #37668

mcsharkey.... With the change of trading rules in the early part of this century, brokers and hedge funds are going to manipulate small companies (APDN) and take their pound of flesh on a daily basis. Nothing we can do about it. I would not expect anything from FINRA. Since Goldman and other biggies essentially control FINRA, complaints end up on the desk of the fox controlling the henhouse. It's a sad joke.

My two cents to all longs on this board: Don't sell this stock! 1) By selling, you aid and abet the manipulators by allowing them to cover their unborrowed short sales. 2) We are in the first inning of this game. 3) I expect a deal with a big Pharma before the end of the year. Stock will surge 50-100% on news. (Can't afford to be out). AMO.