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06/10/15 5:02 PM

#234438 RE: StephanieVanbryce #234437

i don't see any situation where our presence over there adds to the stability of the region for longer than it takes the smoke to clear from the latest battle. They are going to have to sort it out among the various religious groupsand draw some new borders. Would it be brutal to let 'em go at it? yeah, but no more so than if we knock off a few hundred thousand more on one side or the other.

Let them sweat it out among themselves, and if they mess with us (without stupid provocation like putting bases in war zones) such as taking one of our ships or any such nonsense including messing with us on our soil, we hit them back wherever they live in quadruple. That method has worked for israel for a long time.. just be such mean scorpions that they stay on their side of the bottle. The can try to sell their oil to each other and see where that gets them. The strategic whining about russia or china moving into the vacuum is just that.. let them learn the lesson that has cost us trillions.
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06/10/15 5:52 PM

#234440 RE: StephanieVanbryce #234437

You bet Ash Carter "opened a Pandora's box"!...he's not of Washington, and apparently not up on the ways of Washington where you never lay out the truth for the Am public to digest - rather just keep saying "we're making progress".
As dumb as I believe Bush III is, and I do believe he's not very bright, he is up-front in his comments about staying in Iraq to "finish the job" - as if that's even remotely possible! Speaking to the media can get him in trouble, but at least people know where he stands. On the other hand, HRC is conducting an invitation-only campaign and doesn't speak to the media - not about Iraq or her current views on the TPP Agreement.
The U.S. can stay in Iraq for another 100 years and we won't change a thing - eventually we'll abandon the ME just as we did Viet Nam, and the ME will get on with how they've lived for thousands of years.

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06/12/15 12:20 AM

#234490 RE: StephanieVanbryce #234437

Obama Looks at Adding Bases and Troops in Iraq, to Fight ISIS

Peter Baker, Helene Cooper and Michael R. Gordon

hmmm, didn't I just say this? . Haha..don't worry they won't do it!

gosh I love this new 'reading' feature on all the sites! it's the best!