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01/23/15 6:30 AM

#22334 RE: Yozila #22333

A company can't be guilty of insider trading if it trades in stock of a company it is doing business with.

WHAT? Where may I ask did you get this from?

Further, if the outcome of an action solely decided by a court & judge results in gains for all parties involved; Who's going to complain aside from those who lost their faith & made the free choice to sell their holdings when the company went through a temporary low period.

Ummmm....uhhhhh....SMH! This statement may be absurd. A Judge rules on Law, not if it only benefits the parties involved.

Q: Why would a company that's not bankrupt file for bankruptcy protection?

A: For the company & it's stakeholders to take advantage of the benefits offered & the resulting effect on PPS during a period of 'Bankruptcy Protection'!

This will result in thousands of new jobs in a State that has considerably higher than the national average unemployment. A massive boost to US manufacturing & technology output along with a huge jolt to US GDP. Best of all Green Energy, what everyone at WEF 2015 is talking about!

This statement is definitely absurd! So, are you saying that this was "planned" for no other reason that to give people an opportunity to buy cheap shares? Is that what you are saying?!

I thought you said you were going to do some DD?

WOW! I am just speechless...

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01/23/15 10:27 AM

#22374 RE: Yozila #22333

Are you implying that APPLE was trading GTAT with insider info on the MESA project?

Yes, that is still insider trading.

Could be why the SEC is waiting so long to show their cards. There was a motion on the docket concerning this yesterday.