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01/21/15 10:34 AM

#11756 RE: Spocks Stocks #11755

"...trivial negative things..."???

Trivial? You find it "trivial" that the authors' data in NO WAY resembles the data Starkweather presented for presumably the same group of patients she presented last year at a nursing meeting:

how VERY strange

Even MORE ODD is that the data presented at that meeting suggested the calmare wasn't JUST a pain reliever, it was a MIRACULOUS pain reliever that ALSO relieved allodynia and reduced opiate consumption by FIFTY PER CENT!!!

WHY didn't the authors use THAT data? It certainly is a LOT more impressive than the data they chose to present! WHY didn't they mention allodynia? WHY didn't they mention opiate reduction?

Could it be that if they thought that if they tried to get away with using the nursing meeting data, someone might "call them on the carpet," so to speak?

In any case, I wrote to the sof the journal to see if they could find out why the data already published in abstract form was so radically different in this latest "incarnation." I'll let you know if they find out anything.
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01/21/15 11:12 AM

#11757 RE: Spocks Stocks #11755

"There were statistically better results..."???

Well, first, at ONE week post therapy, the results were NOT significantly better. In some "magical" fashion, the results BECAME significant at THREE weeks, however.

More important, however, is that NOWHERE is there ANY indication as to whether patients were restricted from changing their analgesic intake OR from engaging in alternative therapies such as, say, a laying down with a heating pad. It also doesn't indicate whether the subjects resumed their normal daily activities.

Now, say the calmare actually made patients WORSE -- SOME calmare patients have claimed that, you do realize? Suppose then, in consequence, those patients DOUBLED their intake of analgesics or engaged in alternate therapies and -- in consequence -- felt a whole LOT better!

THEN the studies alleged "significant" results become TOTALLY BOGUS since it wasn't the calmare making the symptoms better, but the OTHER treatments!

DITTO for the "pain mRNA" results!