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zen 88

12/24/14 12:36 PM

#240213 RE: waveduke #240209

duke - If ever a case of

the company who cried wolf, this is it, far and away. I don't think that people necessarily don't believe Solms, they have just reached their limit on gullibility. If Solms lands a big deal or two, folks will be buying with both hands, imo.
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New Wave

12/27/14 10:22 AM

#240223 RE: waveduke #240209

waveduke, I believe titlewave is correct in his assessment of Wave's financials being the principal impediment to processing large enterprise deals. Past reputation could be an issue with some prospects, but by and large it's Wave's small size and limited resources that have prompted some of the finance folks in their ivory towers to pause.

This is the one challenge Solms obviously underestimated, and it's affected his timeline. Since his background was predominantly with larger and more seasoned companies, his prior experience with a company like Wave would have been limited. Nevertheless one can see from Solms' background that he is good at logistical analysis and planning, quick on his feet and knows how to pivot when necessary.

Maybe the first big enterprise prospect will accept the fact that this is a 'chicken & egg' dilemma and that committing to a deal will immediately strengthen Wave's finances and open the door for more orders to follow. However if the first prospect needs Wave to strengthen its balance sheet before they proceed then I wouldn't underestimate the ability of Solms and his team to engineer a solution, possibly even one without dilution.