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12/19/14 7:40 AM

#28685 RE: Jayyy #28684

At first(if you look back) I did not think renu was for real. This was back when Don wood was running the company. As Nemes took over and took the company in a different direction I decided to give renu another chance.

Now to answer your questions~

I have never spoken to nemes or Irving or anyone related to the company......closest I ever came to nemes was on the tv screen during the St. Cloud televised meeting.

I am compensated and work for no company other than the company I'm employed at.

I am a common shareholder with shares bought on the open market just as any joe blo out here.

ALOT of misinformation out there......take that into account as you do your research.

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12/19/14 8:00 AM

#28686 RE: Jayyy #28684

I am nothing more than a shareholder, who views my stock ownership as part owner of the company I hold stock in.

Therefore, I do my research and make contact with whoever I can. As with any other company that I own shares in, I do maintain contact with IR, and with the CEO. If either party will not return my emails, I will not invest in their company.

I receive nothing in any form of payment or compensation for the research I do, for the posts I make, or for anything else. I am a simple shareholder with a big mouth.

I learned from a friend that I made on Ihub in another play, how to do simple and in depth research, how and why to contact IR and CEOs, and what importance to place upon that information, or lack thereof. That lesson helped me greatly in my personal investing and in my public posting.

I've been in this "play" for sheesh...... 4+ years? So, yes, I have contacted IR a ton. Before becoming CEO, Nemes was in this company in other capacities, and he has made it clear that he is willing to communicate with shareholders and interested parties. Several others have attested that they have communicated with him.

If you really want the "down low" on me: I'm a simple hillbilly, living off of what grows in the field, or happens to run through the field. My favorite clothing is bib overalls and I drive a pickup truck. I play in a few stocks for a hobby, with the hopes of maybe turning a pennies into nickels so my kids have more than I do.

Not sure why I'm confessing anything here. 99% of the people on this board know me, communicate with me, and have no reservations about anything I've said above.

All the best.
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12/19/14 8:16 AM

#28687 RE: Jayyy #28684

That looks like a 2 for 2.

So how about a little "tit for tat"? What's the Jayyy backstory?
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12/19/14 2:55 PM

#28692 RE: Jayyy #28684

Jay, I think if you take some time to read posts made by the investors on this board that are being accused of working with or compensated by RENU, it will become clear that they are nothing more than regular investors who are passionate about seeing the company succeed.

Heck, I have seen them even criticize the company when it was warranted so believing the misconstrued views about them on those Internet posts is very sad, especially when they contain personal info. I question more those hiding behind an anonimous handle that use slanderous comments to bring someone or a company down.

Just my two cents on the matter.
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12/19/14 4:06 PM

#28693 RE: Jayyy #28684

Jayyy, a bit of advice:

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, and that includes on public posting forums. Verify all of the information, starting with the source, and independently double check all links, before putting any faith and/or money at risk.

Several individuals who have been long on RENU read the garbage that was being posted and immediately recognized it as false. Some were actually hysterical over the propensity that someone went to, to fabricate falsities and innuendo. Their messages started off with "Can you really believe that they said........."

You know why some individuals on this board were targeted? Because we dig hard and we verify facts. Through intimidation, they hoped to shut down a few people and thus drive investors away, and ultimately tank the play.

Didn't work, although it made a dent. Why didn't it work? Because those who are here, and have been here, have done their homework. They know what is A and what is B. All the lies in the world, no matter how many times they are told, don't change that.

The day is coming when we are all going to find out what is right and what is wrong. My conscience is clean. I can post here with my head held up.

I post mainly in the positive, because I do have some good money at risk (relatively speaking), but I always try to link my information so others can evaluate for themselves and make the best choice possible for themselves. Ask around, I never beat anyone up for selling, I never beat anyone up for not investing, I never coerce anyone to invest. Same as every other bit of information on the internet: Evaluate my post and information via one's own research and verification, and then invest, or don't invest, accordingly.

I guess in a sense, I have received some "compensation" in the fact that I have met a number of great people doing this and have made some good friends- some still here, some long gone.

That's about all I have to say on the subject. Take it for what it's worth.