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09/30/14 8:59 PM

#111497 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #111451

It is all about you and your ego Shelly. It has been this way towRd me for more then five years. I can only feel sorry for whoever your life kart net is unless it is your pet.
You have been I me since you banned me five years ago. Well that works because I will not pay an ir fee to this company that tolerates proven lies, ridiculous incredulous incorrect posting with no facts.
Enjoy your pay as you are far over paid and have no clue about customer device. Oh yeah years right there us not customer device is a business who is overburden with a know it all.

If at some point you actually believe manipulation of a stocks price with lies, slander unprovable accusations and words like scam trash and plain stupidity then you are condoning the lies. I am just glad there are far more everyday sending these manipulative price posts to the Sec. I can only hope they indict you and your freelance paid basher mods collecting fees for this. Oh yeah it is not slander unless you can price it in court. The world according to Shelly the ihub queen
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09/30/14 9:06 PM

#111498 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #111451

Here is a clue l, you want people to pay for irp then when people post false accusations and lies make them remove it. It is amazing how us good people for years gave to tolerate the wrath if Shelly. You are the main reason I will not pay and your friends you hide with slander us not slander bullshit why I will never pay you as I can not even see what value of customer service you bring to this business I find you deplorable, biased, unreasonable, and basically not at all someone who has a clue about building a business with integrity ,honesty or even morals queen Shelly.