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09/08/14 7:01 PM

#10898 RE: JTlive #10896

Many are expecting a big price increase around the closing of the OVRL merger due to release of news that has been held up all summer so as not to interfere with merger being finalized, possible major short squeeze (especially if a delisting from Toronto occurs and a MAJOR pop if they just spring that news on the market the day it occurs), greater visibility for the new and improved company, and release of news of vastly increased realized and projected revenues.

I think most on this board would tell you to buy today at these fantastic prices and at the worst you could cost yourself pennies while if you wait you could cost yourself dollars.

If you have done your DD and know of the potential this company possesses, worrying about pennies today will down the road make you wish you had kicked yourself in the butt for not buying. My take is everyone that knew about this stock and did not go in whole hog will one day realize it was the biggest financial oversight in their investing career.

Many think this technology is of gigantic proportions and will disrupt the entire technology sphere (no pun intended). Is it really worth it to wait when prices now are so attractive?

Just an opinion.
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09/08/14 7:29 PM

#10905 RE: JTlive #10896

yes we are adding 10m shares to the o/s or 43%. Whether it's dilutive or not, depends on whether the earnings per share will increase by more than the same amount or not. If yes it will be accretive. Personally I would try to add as much as I can now b/c I expect many positive things to happen from the synergies of the merger just like what happened when EMC bought out VMWare. fwiw