TRTC also has a cultivation and a production permit in Clark County NV TRTC secured two MJ permits out of Nevada the commissioners decided to give TRTC a cultivation and a production permit. The whole community was in support of TRTC. Here is the actual video of commissioners ;
Rory Reid represented TRTC at the hearings in front of Nevada Clark County Commissioners.
Rory Reid is a member of the Democratic Party and a son of United States Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Reid was elected to the Clark County Commission in 2002. As Chairman of the Commission, he updated the master plans of the county to reduce non-conforming zone changes.[8] Reid was reelected in 2006 with 62 percent of the vote.[9] In 2008, Reid served as chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign for the state of Nevada and an adviser on Western issues.[10] ;
Harry Mason Reid (/ri?d/; born December 2, 1939) is a senior United States Senator from Nevada and a member of the Democratic Party serving since 1987. In 1959, Reid married his high school girlfriend, Landra Gould. They have five children: a daughter and four sons. Their eldest son, Rory, was an elected Commissioner for Clark County, Nevada, of which he became Chairman, and 2010 Democratic nominee in the election for Governor of Nevada ;
Rebecca Gasca has expanded Pistil & Stigma’s focus to areas stretching from energy policy and juvenile justice to medical marijuana and national health care policies, ;
Great article TRTC very well connected in NV Establishment of the regulations allows TRTC to move forward with a commercial cannabis growing facility in the area. As a matter of fact, since TRTC formed a Nevada team headed by connected Rebecca Gasca, I would be surprised if they didn't have some influence in writing them. It's basically set up to limit the market to a few large, well controlled facilities. So those like TRTC with ins are set up to succeed in what you got to think is going to be the largest medical marijuana market in the country, Las Vegas. ;
Terra Tech Subsidiaries Submit Eight Nevada State Medical Marijuana Applications The Company has already received a special use permit for a cultivation and production facility in Clark County, Nevada and has already submitted its applications for both a special use permit and compliance permit to the City of Las Vegas. Terra Tech has received notice by the City that they are scheduled to appear on the September 30th planning commission agenda. The company submitted their state applications to operate dispensaries within Clark County.
Party city Las Vegas here comes Terra Tech TRTC Nevada license bigger than any other state its the grand prize You have 39 million visitors who are coming to party and have fun in Nevada. ; ; NV dispensaries will be very busy moving MJ in large amounts bought from NV cultivators and producers of munchies. TRTC's hydroponics greenhouse, expertise in agriculture got attention of NV officials. TRTC green house will use very little energy and less water. MJ will be grown through hydroponics supported by perlite,rockwool, or vermiculite. ; ;
HOW MANY VISITORS COME TO LAS VEGAS? Last year was 39,668,221. HOW MANY CONVENTION DELEGATES VISIT? 2013 saw 5,107,416 attendees. HOW MANY CONVENTIONS ARE HELD PER YEAR? 22,027 were held last year. WHAT IS CLARK COUNTY'S GAMING REVENUE? In 2013 it was $9.7 Billion. WHAT IS LAS VEGAS STRIP'S GAMING REVENUE? Last year was $6.5 Billion. Based on 35000sqft of MJ cultivation facility and production The proposed facility is approximately 35,000 Sq ft and will contain both cultivation and production at the same location. The team is working towards completing their state application while at the same time working aggressively towards submitting an application to the City of Las Vegas to operate a medical Cannabis dispensary. The company intends to give further updates about their efforts throughout Nevada as they progress through the process, reach certain milestones and enter new applications. Peterson envisions a 30,000 square-feet to 50,000 square-feet cultivation plant, for which the company budgeted $3 million. A production facility could cost about $1 million, he said, while a retail store could cost between $500,000 and $700,0000, plus another $100,000 for security. The company picked out real estate for a dispensary near Desert Inn Road and Decatur Boulevard, in order to be close to the local population and a short distance from the Strip and downtown Las Vegas. Here’s how Peterson breaks down the figures: a 50,000 square foot cultivation facility, with a staggered growth schedule, could produce 50 to 75 pounds of marijuana a week. In other markets where marijuana is legal, the plant sells for $2,500 to $3,000 per pound at wholesale. That’s upward of $225,000 per week for a cultivation facility. ; ; ; ; ; ;
The insane rush, stampede, buying frenzy to weed sector will be back in a big way, when the feds either reclassify MJ from class one drug or legalize it in one form or another. The tidal wave & tsunami of change in MJ sector is HERE It will be months no years before MJ will be legal in one form or another under the Federal law. TRTC is best positioned to profit the most.
Majority of Independents, Republicans and Democrats are for legalization of medical MJ A recent Pew Research Center survey found that nearly three in four Americans – including 78 percent of Independents, 71 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of Republicans – believe that efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they are worth. Similar numbers — 80 percent of Democrats, 76 percent of Independents, and 61 percent of Republicans – favor making medical marijuana legally available. Read more: ;
Fundamental Value Indicator® - Future Profit Potential The intrinsic ability of a company to generate future profit
The Future Profit Potential of a company is the intrinsic ability of the business to generate future profits. It is the basis of the entire investment.
Anyone who doesn’t consider a company’s profit potentialjust bobs around in the stock market like a rudderless ship and ends up on the rocks. Really systematically understanding the stock market is only possible if the FutureProfit Potential of a company is considered.
The Future Profit Potential is updated daily based on the latest company data. It is included in the Price IncreasePotential Screenings. It is also shown in the Fundamental Value Indicator®, which is part of the CompanyReports. The Future Profit Potential and the value of a company
The value of a company is determined by analyzing its historical results, current results and above all the potentialthat the company has to grow its profit in future years..
The greater the growth potential, the more a stock is worth paying for. The value of a stock increases proportionally with the earnings growth and especially with the expected earnings growth, which is in turn determined by the profitpotential. Obviously an investor who bases his decisions on the profit potential of a company will achieve better results on the stock market because the businesses with the largest profit potential are logically those whose value will increase the fastest.