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07/14/14 10:54 AM

#27347 RE: sc300 #27346

Incorrect. Let's have a look.

No news?
We actually get PR's quite often if you look at the month of June and back so that would be incorrect. Just because it's been two weeks doesn't mean there is no news. Maybe you know of companies that release it daily but in the OTC I've never seen that.

No products?

We have several products that already exist with more coming (so wrong again).

No revenue?

Ok I will admit the past products have not been that great so I will give you partial credit on that one but we cannot speak of the new products coming since they are still underway. Not all businesses have ALL winning products. Sometimes they have a few flops then a few winners and I believe the Hemp Drinks are going to surprise everyone at how successful they turn out to be.

No leadership?
That sounds more like a personal opinion not fact.

No success?
Well, maybe if you are talking about getting those BID orders filled below .0004, then yeah, unsuccessful.

BUT in the end they have entered a red hot sector with a great new product coming and lets not forget they have a great fan section! Some fans that have been talking about IDGC for 3-4 years DAILY! Now that is dedication to the company! Right? ;-)
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07/14/14 10:58 AM

#27348 RE: sc300 #27346

lol,...then sell and move on.